July 19, 2016

Full Thunder Moon

Tonight is the full moon, my monthly time for action and release: I look again at the “seeds of intention” I planted 2 weeks ago at the new moon and decide on my next steps to take, I take those steps, then I release my expectations in order to clear space for new ideas and new intentions.

This full moon is called the Thunder Moon. July days have the humming energy of a summer storm. The sun is at the peak of it's power, lighting all corners with its radiance, and burning away all non-essentials. It's a month of passion and activity. I am challenged to stretch myself and try new things. My life expands and thoughts become clear. I am primed for success.

Agenda for today:
1. Altar:
It's time to discern what to put on my altar for the next four weeks. (For my thoughts on altars see About Altars). I generally keep it simple and choose only things that speak to me and feed me, and reveal what I believe in. I ask, what quality of Spirit do I want to invoke?
Today I add-
  • a conch shell, for the ocean, and to awaken my heart to Truth.
  • a red candle, for fire, passion, and integrity.
Each month at the full moon I put a motto or quote on my altar, to ponder. This month:

"Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right, decide on what you think is right 
and stick to it."

— George Eliot

2. Journal:
Do I keep my word, follow through with my responsibilities, speak truth, and show loyalty? What can I improve?

Review the intentions I set 2 weeks ago, at the new moon.
Do these aims all still seem vital? 
What are my next steps? 
How can I find the passion to be persistent?

3. Practice at my theme:
My theme this month is integrityIntegrity is the quality of being whole and undivided, and acting promptly on my beliefs. When I am honest and loyal, my integrity lights the dark places of life, and like the farmer, I know that the Light brings my harvest. My intentions:
  • Monitor my procrastination.
  • Do not over-extend myself!
  • Spend money within my means and pay bills on time.
  • Choose to be unruffled, grounded, and fearless.
  • Complete steps towards mediation.
4. Take Action:
The full moon is a time to celebrate life, stay up late, see friends, exercise harder, and be more creative and outgoing. The crazy full moon energy builds and builds; it’s best to acknowledge it so it doesn’t throw me off balance. This surge of energy allows me to take action on intentions I set two weeks ago.

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