September 21, 2016

International Day of Peace

The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by a resolution of the UN General Assembly. In 2001 the date was fixed on September 21.
This message came from Secretary-General Kofi Annan on The International Day of Peace in 2005-

“Dear friends around the world- Peace is the paramount United Nations mission. It is the basis of our existence. The essence of our identity. The cause that animates everything we do. September 21, the International Day of Peace, is a day on which we reaffirm our commitment to this quest.... It is meant to be a day of global cease-fire, when all countries and all people stop all hostilities for the entire day. And it is a day on which people around the world observe a minute of silence at 12-noon local time. Twenty-four hours is not a long time. But it is time enough for combatants and political leaders to consider the destruction they are visiting on their people, and on their lands. And it is long enough to look over the barricades, or through the barbed wire, to see if there is another path.”

Peace Day Agenda:
1. Vow: 
"I vow to live in peace and cease all hostilities for this entire day."
2. Journal: 
Consider and list ways I can work for peace this fall and winter. 

How can I teach peace? 
How can I celebrate peace? 
How can I express peace in my art and writing?

3. Raise Awareness:
Each year I choose a project to spread the word about Peace Day. One year we made peace flags; once I invited friends to watch a video about Peace Day; and once we made a peace poster in my art class.

This year I found the website for Pinwheels for Peace, and I was inspired to make pinwheels with one of my students. 

Supplies: Cardstock with the pinwheel template printed on it (available at the website), crayons, pens, scissors, straight pins, dowels, tape

We wrote words of peace on the inside of the pinwheels and decorated the outsides-

cut on the lines, 

inserted a pin,

stuck the pin into a dowel (and taped it well),

then planted them outside to turn in the wind.
4. Minute of silence at noon today:
Whatever you choose to do, please pause at 12 Noon local time and join people all across the globe in a Minute of Silence / Moment of Peace.

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