February 20, 2025

Third Quarter Moon of Late February

Tonight is
the waning Third Quarter moon of February. 
Today's moon energy is yin - quiet, internal, heart-driven, intentional Being-ness. At this phase we can ease off a bit on actively pursuing goals, slow down, go within, and attend to inner work, renewal, and self-care.

I relish this calm time before the busy-ness of March; time to make plans, study, and renew my spirit. 

Agenda today:
1. Read "It's a Meaningful Life"
2. Renewal plan
3. Evaluation House
4. Monthly journal brainstorm
5. Review essential intentions
6. Surrender, rest, recuperate

1. Read "It's a Meaningful Life": 
I've been slowly re-reading "It's a Meaningful Life; It Just Takes Practice," by Bo Lozoff (2000). Chapter 16 is: The Gospel of Following Bliss.

"All of us have instincts for a self-centered life, and we all have instincts for true community. ... A conscious choice to dedicate our live to the good ... is independent of our unique callings, passions, talents, ambitions, and so forth."

Bo says that if we follow our bliss, and also remember to keep "world repair"  as our basic outlook, then our lives will carve a meaningful path.

"Discovering which thread we are called to be (in the tapestry of life), and then being that thread, regardless of consequences - that is what it means to follow our bliss." 

2. Renewal plan:
I try to renew all four dimensions of my life (body, mind, heart, and spirit), as Stephen Covey taught: I spend about an hour each day on a combination of physical, mental, and spiritual regeneration activities, plus work to improve my social skills and relationships. Today's waning half moon is my opportunity to review how I'm doing, and make note of new ideas for the month ahead.

From my Journal: I've been adding one new health habit each week since the start of the year, and I am definitely drinking more water, eating more veggies, and walking more steps every day! This month I began a gentle morning stretching routine that is helping my knees and shoulders. I'm reading some great books on organization, creativity, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. I think my studies in March, for Lent, will be resilience and nature-culture.

3. Evaluation House:
Today I get to reflect back on the first 3/4 of the Bitter Moon lunar cycle that I'm passing through. My theme has been Stillness. 

I reviewed the intentions I set at the new moon and drew a house with 2 rooms: 
  • A room for celebration of all I have accomplished already this month.
  • A room for discerning what to do with the unfinished parts (Some of these I will finish in the next couple days, some I will save for next month, and some I will release because they have become irrelevant or didn't go as planned.)
4. Monthly journal brainstorm:
At the new moon (next week) I will transition from one focus to another, and a whole new field of opportunity. This week I'll take time to write down my goals, dreams, and exciting ideas for the next 30-days. This exercise has three parts: Brainstorm goals, dreams, and exciting ideas for the next month without judgement - include at least a few crazy, improbable notions; reflect on the next month of my life, and what my best month would look like, moving me in the direction of my most important reasons for living; then take time to weigh the possibilities.

5. Review Essential Intentions:
My list of core values and principles includes big concepts like love and simplicity. Over the years, I've worked to define what exactly these values mean to me, and what they lead me to do and to be. This week I plan to review and recommit to those values, and write some new intentions. I ask-

How do I define each of my values?
Why do I value them? Why is it so important to me?
What right action or good deeds do I intend each day?
How do I intend to live, to support and demonstrate my values?

When I turn my values into intentions, they become a pledge for action in the moment - they remind me of my deepest, most essential, most passionate reasons for leading a valuable life. It's vital for me to define my values and principles in a way that touches me at my core, and hone each one down to a phrase that will be useful, day in and day out.

I'm working at this a little each day:
I intend to maintain my integrity, living within my personal code of behavior, and taking time to choose actions and words that align me with who I truly am at my core (pro-action rather than re-action), because holding myself to high standards is how I honor the Light of Truth and Love, and witness to self transcendence.
6. Surrender, rest, recuperate: 
This next few days is a time to be empty; the time for striving is past. As the moon’s light fades into darkness I get to relax and surrender to the universe. 

Some things will always be out of my control. As the moon's appearance dwindles, I let go of useless beliefs, unreasonable expectations, grudges, defensiveness, projects that don't fit into my life, and anything else that isn't working for me. I turn these all over to the Divine and give thanks, my way of opening to receive new intentions in the new month.

Then I give myself permission to rest! 

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