March 1, 2014

Budding Moon & Losar Eve

Tonight is the new moon; the Chinese call the second new moon the Budding Moon. This is my monthly time for “seeding” intentions. I write down what I hope to focus on in the next 30 days or so, and then give my ideas a period of gestation, like seeds in the soil, before I take action. Having this regular time each month to focus my goals has helped to give me clarity of purpose.

AND this is the eve of Losar, the Tibetan New Year. The word Losar means literally 
year- lo and new- sar. By now in Tibet all the cleaning and preparations are finished except one- the Generosity Shrine; Tibetan families will set these up tonight. 

I love the symbolism of this altar, which serves as a reminder of the wish to cultivate a generous heart, and to share without expectation of return, what Tibetans call jembay tsultrim. The purpose of making offerings is to develop and increase a "mind of generosity".

Agenda for today:
1. Journal:

What might give my life more wholeness? 
What am I hungry for? 
What changes would make me happier?
What are my next steps in life?

List my intentions for the month of March in these areas-
Self, Friends and Family, Teaching, Artwork, Writing, Home and Garden, Work/Business, and Volunteer work.

2. New Moon Meditation:
Light a small white candle. Center, and feel myself fill with thankfulness for all I have now in my life. Do this each day until the candle is gone.

3. Generosity Shrine:
Some Losar shrines are very elaborate. Tibetans offer butter sculptures, bowls of water, sweet rice, a cup of tea, dried stalks of wheat (symbolizing the harvest), sprouted wheat grass (symbolizing freshness and newness), cookies, candies, candles, incense, fresh fruit, flowers ... the more visually pleasing and fresh the better. These offerings should be seen as “vast in number, as extensive as space.”

I had fun setting up my Generosity Shrine. The advise is to make offerings that are in nature with my own good qualities, so I have chosen to offer -
  • A bowl of water with the wish that all beings be eased of thirst. 
  • A plate of (not yet) sprouted buckwheat with the wish that the world food harvest be abundant. 
  • Flowers from my garden to remind me to care for the earth. 
  • A pink candle with the wish that my love will continue to expand. 
  • A small painting with the wish that I can continue to share the joy of creativity.
4. Practice Generosity:
I hope my shrine will remind me to actually be more generous- put more effort into looking after people; become more actively involved with my community; give attention to each conversation; be more open-minded, and give people the benefit of the doubt. 

I have found that when I intentionally avoid over-commitment, I feel a sense of space that makes me more willing to share my time. This week I want to make an effort to open to extravagant love, and look for opportunities to express my generosity in new ways.

5. Make new Prayer Flags:
Before Losar, all the old prayer flags are removed, and tomorrow the new ones will be hung. I have some old peace flags outside that are looking pretty bad, so I plan to take them down today and start to make some new flags. 

Prayer flags in Tibet are made with woodblock prints of designs and the words of Buddhist prayers. 

I stamped the cloth with a large rubber stamp,  and then wrote my prayers with markers.

My prayers are:
Great Spirit, open my heart to extravagant love. 
May love spread to hold every child and creature.

Great Spirit, fill me with joy and the awareness of my blessings. 
May joy lighten the hearts of all.

Great Spirit, bring me equanimity. 
May peace and ease settle over the world.

Great Spirit, help me to be mindful and aware of each precious moment. 
May we all be awake to the wonders around us.

Great Spirit, give me a generous spirit and alertness to other’s needs. 
May generosity spread to every corner of the world.
My finished prayer flags.

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