January 12, 2021

New Bitter Moon

The last new moon of the Chinese calendar rose this morning;
called the Bitter Moon, because this is the month of the bitterest cold. 

I've used the moon cycle energy in a pretty haphazard way for many years, and this year I plan to be more intentional. I know that each moon phase has a different energy, and that it's useful to tune in to that energy for both my inner work and outer activities. (And whether or not you believe in the moon's power over our energy, it's helpful to follow a cycle such as this in life, to help balance yin and yang, and move through the natural phases.)

The new moon is the start of the lunar cycle, a time of high energy and clear thinking. Historically, the new moon is when women took time to be alone; it's a time to retreat, prepare, and set intentions.

My theme this month is Stillness, so today I'll get on with the work of stillness!

I have a two-fold task today: Plan some new goals, and set some intentions for the days ahead. Though lots of writers use these terms interchangeably, I am clear about the differences:

Goals are a plan for the future that help us stay on track with who we are becoming. 

Intentions are a pledge for action in the present; they remind us of who we are now, and our deepest, most essential, most passionate reasons for living.
1. List my goals
2. Identify my essential intentions
3. Set intentions for action
4. Pick a theme for the next month
5. New moon meditation and prayer
1. List my goals:
My top 11 goals for the next 30 days are:

  • Stillness focus: Know myself, discern my style excesses, and focus on equanimity and how to maintain it
  • Finish the paintings I start: Winter landscapes
  • Plan individualized lessons for my painting students
  • Climate Revolutions by Bike actions: Speak at city council meetings, and edit a statement to sign
  • Reconnect to nature: Be aware of the season, visit wild areas, and take winter walks with my grandson
  • Move more everyday: Walk, dance, prune, and use my hula hoop!
  • Baby-proof the living room, and design a baby art/play area           
  • Replant the back lawn + thoroughly clean up the back yard to prepare for spring
  • Host more zoom happy hours with my friends, and send thank-you cards
  • Clean mold in each room.
  • Prepare myself for the anti-racism book group
2. Identify my essential intentions:
I wrote about my core values on Sunday. My core values include big and righteous concepts like love and simplicity, but the question is, what do these beliefs and values lead me to DO? What right action or good deeds do I intend each day that support my values?
Values by themselves lack commitment. I might value honesty, but never commit to leading an honest life. Intentions are a pledge for action, in the moment - they remind me of my deepest, most essential, most passionate reasons for living. Today I will identify the actions that support my values, and write and affirm one essential intention for each of my core values, that captures the possibility of daily right action and will be useful in any situation that arises in daily life.

I write my intentions in present tense, and I use this model: action + definition deepest reason. That means I'll need to define my core values before I can write intentions for them. This is harder than it seems - concepts like love seem self-explanatory, but it's important to put it into words. 

Some of my essential intentions are:

-I intend to have equanimity and stay calm, not agitated or impatient with people or problems, or obsessed with any thought, because I am ruled by my heart and soul, not my impulses, and my equanimity in times of stress will heal the world.

-I intend to live with simplicity, using only my share of the earth’s resources, because each person and being in the world, and the earth itself, deserves to live with basic needs met.

-I intend to have integrity, being honest and whole, and choosing actions and words that align me with my highest self, with that of God within me, and with who I truly am at my core.

-I intend to live with love, practicing the habits of listening, generosity, patience, care, and kindness with my community, my family, and the earth, because life is lived in relationship and interdependence, and love transcends all barriers.

-I intend to be creative, expand my perspective (think outside the box), have the courage to take creative risks, and express myself with words and art, because my creativity is from and of God, and is the voice of my soul.

Winter landscape - unfinished
3. Set intentions for action:
Now I'm ready to look at my goals and set some intentions for action. This is a very time-consuming but important process. I'm going to choose a few to write today - those I might act on today - then work on a few more each day this week.

Remember, intentions are a proposal for the present that remind me of who I am now, and my deepest, most essential, most passionate reasons for living. I write my intentions in present tense, and I use this model: action deepest reason.
  • I intend to finish my Winter Landscape painting, because painting moves me into rapport with God, and allows me to express my deepest values, and because finishing what I start builds my self-confidence, and faith in my integrity.
  • I intend to take the time to know myself, discern my style excesses, and analyze how to maintain greater equanimity, because when I stay calm and patient with people and problems, the world around me is freed to heal and grow. 
  • I intend to plan individualized lessons for my painting students because teaching is one way that I express my love, and encourage creativity in others, and is also a way I learn new ideas and skills.
  • I intend to take Climate Revolutions by Bike actions each week, such as speaking at city council meetings, and editing a statement to sign, because climate justice is the most important of all my activities, and it might help to change our future.
4. Pick a theme for the next month:

By now, my brain needs a rest, so I'm going to 
put on my favorite Native American flute music, light some incense, take a bath, and let my thoughts drift. I want to access my deeper, intuitive mind - my Inner Guide:
  • Picture myself walking down a long road or path. Picture all the details of the terrain - trees or grasslands, sun or rain, birds and animals...
  • After a while, ask, "Where am I going?" Observe my thoughts but stay connected to the music.
  • Climb (in my mind) to the top of a hill, and look down at the big picture of my month ahead; pick a word or phrase to describe it and distill it down to its essence. Pick something evocative and poetic. 
Later I will write my month theme out in big letters, add relevant doodles, and post it where I can see it throughout the day.

5. New moon meditation and prayer:
Today I will light a small white candle on my altar. I will center and give attention to each of my intentions, and picture each one accomplished. Then I'll let go of expectations, and feel myself fill with thankfulness for all I have now in my life.

May I remember the abundant blessings of my life. 
May I remember the air, the sun, the rain. 
May I remember my loving family, friends, and beloved dog.
May I remember that I have a warm house and food, books to read, and a bed to sleep in.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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