February 22, 2015

Pea Planting Day

Pea Planting Day is an anniversary. February 22 is listed on my planting calendar as the first day to plant peas in the Willamette Valley. It also happens that this is the day W and I got engaged, 39 years ago!

Peas are traditionally the first vegetable sown outside in the spring because they will germinate and grow in very cool soil. We plant peas today to ceremonially kick off the start of the planting season, and also to remind ourselves of the beginnings of our relationship; the day we decided to be together forever.

Agenda Today:
1. Pea Planting Ceremony:
Today was a beautiful day to plant, but it's not always the case that February 22 is sunny and dry, so I always turn the pea bed earlier, to be ready. As I turn the soil in the pea bed, I remember that plowing is a sacred act of connection to the Earth Spirit. 

We plant the peas as an offering to the earth, and an offering to our relationship. We also drink a little wine and spill some on the ground, to bless the soil.

2. Marzanna doll:
The Slavs of Poland have a custom of burning an effigy of Marzanna at the spring equinox. Marzanna is the Slavic goddess of death, winter and nightmares; the symbolism is of death and rebirth- burning away the winter so that spring can return.

I've been working week by week on my Marzanna doll and this is the third week. Today I added a skirt of fresh lavender. I will add a new material each week until the equinox: Next week cloth, then yarn and beads, then feathers.

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