March 3, 2017

World Day of Prayer

Filipino women
The World Day of Prayer takes place every year on the first Friday in MarchWomen in the United States and Canada first formed it after the devastation of World War I, when they were convinced that world peace was tied to world mission. 

I love the motto of the World Day of Prayer: "Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action."

Each year, Christian women from all over the world join together to plan and organize events, and suggest a theme and focus. This year the theme was set by the women of the Philippines, who call us to consider the words Am I Being Unfair to You?" They ask us to explore concepts of economic justice in both the Philippines’ context and around the world, and our response in light of God’s generosity.

WPD has a whole page about the history of the Philippines here

Agenda today:
Study up on economic justice issues: 
The women of the Philippines have listed a number of social justice issues and concerns that are significant for them, with suggested actions. Check out the WDP Action Guide here.

I looked at the Global Fund for Women web site that was listed on the action guide.

"We campaign for zero violence, economic and political empowerment, and sexual and reproductive health and rights. These are the most critical building blocks for women’s human rights. When a woman has these rights, she can be strong, safe, powerful, and heard."

I read about work they are doing to end violence against women in the garment industry in 
South Asia, with a focus on the major apparel sourcing countries of Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Myanmar, and Vietnam. Women comprise about 80% of the workforce in the garment industry, and they suffer high levels of discrimination and violence. 

GFW is helping women garment workers to learn about their rights, realize their own power to secure these rights, and become leaders to create change in the system.

2. Make Misua Soup:
Misua is a Filipino noodle soup. You can add any ingredients you like. I made a version with eggs.


  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 Tbsp. oil
  • 3 cups chicken stock or water
  • 1 oz. misua (fine egg noodles)
  • patis (fish sauce)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 eggs

Yield: Serves 2-

1- Grate the carrot, slice the onion thinly, and mince the garlic. 

2- In a medium saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. Sauté garlic and onion. Add the grated carrot.

3- Add chicken stock or water and bring to a boil. Stir in the misua noodles and then lower the heat to simmer.

4- Season with patis, and salt and pepper.

5- Break the eggs into the simmering stock and stir. Cook until eggs are set, for about 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat. Serve hot.

4. Prayer: 
Today I pray for justice-- May I be an instrument of hope, liberation, love and joy. May I have a generous spirit. May I become more aware of unfairness in the world, and take compassionate action to alleviate it where I can. May others be awakened to the injustices they perpetuate, and may all the world heal. 

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