March 12, 2017

Full Egg Moon

Tonight is the full moon, my monthly time for action and release: Today I look again at the “seeds of intention” I planted 2 weeks ago at the new moon and decide on my next steps to take; I take those steps; then I release my expectations in order to clear space for new ideas and new intentions.

This full moon is called the Egg Moon, because this is the month when birds begin to lay eggs again. The egg is a powerful symbol of hopenew beginnings, and completeness; my vague ideas take a solid shape, enclosed in a perfect shell, and I have created a whole new beautiful thing!

Agenda for today:
1. Altar:

I am keeping:
  • feathers, for air, wind, breath, inspiration, and spirit
  • my harvest doll, for luck and protection
  • a spring green candle, for strength, vitality, and inner growth; a color to support change, and bring new ideas into being
  • a dragon, for strength and good luck
-and today I added:
  • eggs for hope and new beginnings.
2. Journal:
Review the intentions I set 2 weeks ago, at the new moon. Do these goals all still seem vital? 
What are my next steps?
What do I want to create in my life?

Write about new ideas I have this spring- ideas of change and new beginnings.
What is the hope I feel? 
What is the strongest fear?

3. Practice at my theme:
My theme this month is strength against the storm
Picture an unexpected storm; thunder shakes the earth and heavy spring rain falls- everything and everyone are surprised into creative action, and great changes are set in motion.

Shocks and sudden unforeseen problems cycle through my life like stormy weather. This is a difficult quality for me, very yang. The sudden distress scares me, but if I pause in the storm I will see that it's an invigorating place to be.

That's how I feel about the world today! This storm of an administration is the spark that will get me going, make me think and act persistently for peace and justice.

Just as I need my home to be in good repair to weather a storm, I need to be strong myself. When I am physically and mentally strong, I thrive on moving forward without the baggage of fears and grudges. My intentions this month:
  • Renew a discipline of healthy diet and exercise.
  • Sit less and move more.
  • Step out of my comfort zone to take part in social action.
  • Work in my garden a little bit everyday.
  • Work creatively also, making things that tell a message
4. Green Dragon Meditation
In Taoism the Green Dragon symbolizes the east and spring, as well as strength, goodness, courage, endurance, and vigilance. He is the divine bringer of storms that clear the stagnant air.

Green Dragon is an immortal fire animal living always within me. He is strongly yang- he thunders in the sky with a compassion that awakens me from my misunderstandings.

I have made a commitment to a life of truth, wisdom, compassion, and peace- the life of a bodhisattva-in-training-  sometimes called "riding the dragon". The temptation is always to push the dragon of truth back into the cave, but I am determined to befriend the dragon.

Today I sit in meditation and ask Green Dragon to bring me courage and stamina, 
persistant creative action, and the strength I will need this spring to tackle my hopes and fears. I ask Spirit to hold me in a loving stream of Light so that I can be free to break out of my shell and grow larger and better.

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