March 20, 2017

Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox occurred this morning at 3:18 a.m. PDT. The word equinox comes from the Latin words aequus (equal) and nox (night). This is a moment of balance- the sun rises exactly in the east, and sets exactly in the west, and we experience twelve hours each of light and dark. From this moment on, we gain more light each day, until the summer solstice.

Agenda Today:
1. Equinox Prayer: 
This morning I lit candles, as soon as I got up (not at 3 a.m.!), and said this prayer as I pointed to the 7 directions: 

In this moment of perfect balance between day and night,
I seek to be grounded in the center of my being.

I am:
  • (East) inspired by the crystal clarity of Air.
  • (South) enlightened by the transforming power of Fire.
  • (West) renewed by the healing powers of Water.
  • (North) nurtured by the powers of Earth.
  • (Downward) supported by the stabilizing energy of below.
  • (Upward) guided by the Spirit above.
  • (Within) balanced in the axis of my being.
2. Journal:
Center, and consider the balance in my life.
How can I balance my personal needs with my commitments to the outside world?
How well do I balance my physical, mental, and spiritual needs?
Think also of the balance in the world; meditate upon what this half of the year will bring, dark and light, and how best I can take right action in the world.

3. Start Spring Cleaning: 
For the past three months I have been keeping the house basically clean, and doing a few extra cleaning projects when I have the time. In January I cleaned mold and mildew. In February I did some clearing of clutter. 

Now it's spring, my traditional time to clean deeply. As I begin this process, I consider the symbolism of the cluttered and dirty areas of my home: 

  • If my desk is messy, is my thinking confused? 
  • Does ancient food on the kitchen shelves connect to undernourishment of my spirit? 
  • Do dirty windows block my view of the celebration of life?
  • Do cluttered closets point to activities in my life that need reorganizing or recycling?
Today I will make a plan, and schedule one cleaning focus each day. Each day I will put on some fun, lively music, set a timer for two hours, open the windows and doors, and let the sweet green aroma of spring enter our home. I will work for my allotted time each day, and then stop.
  • Today- Clear out the cabinets and closets: What things have I not used in months or years? What can I donate or toss?
  • Tuesday- Clean the woodwork: Scrub around doorknobs, clean the outside of cabinets.
  • Wednesday- Paperwork: Sort and discard about half of my stored paper.
  • Thursday- Clean the floors: Move and clean under furniture; vacuum and mop. 
  • Friday- Clean the windows: Clean inside and out and wash the curtains.
  • Saturday- Clear surfaces and decorate for spring: Put away all the winter decorations and knick-knacks; put out green and yellow cloths and candles, a big vase of spring flowers, and set out my nests, birds, and bunnies.
After a thorough cleaning, we will feel the fragrance of springtime throughout the house, and I will also get the cobwebs out of my head! What a perfect way to celebrate the season- my house, my family and I myself deserve this kind of loving attention. 

4. Spring Altar:

Today I will clear my altar, and discern what to put on it for spring. (For my thoughts on altars see About Altars). I generally keep it simple and choose only things that speak to me and feed me, and reveal what I believe in. I ask, what quality of Spirit do I want to invoke?

Today I removed my straw doll finally, and replace-
  • a flower print cloth for spring
  • eggs for hope, new beginnings, and completeness
  • spring green candle, for strength, vitality, and inner growth; a color to support change, and bring new ideas into being
  • a dragon, for strength and good luck
  • hyacinth for playfulness
  • daffodils for happiness and friendship
5. Plant my straw doll:
Each fall I make a corn or straw doll. This year I made this simple straw doll on the autumn equinox, and she has been sitting on my altar ever since.

The custom in Europe was to make a straw figure out of the last sheaf of wheat that was harvested, so the spirit of the grain had a place to live through the winter. Then it was planted again in the spring... so today I will plant my doll, along with some spinach starts.

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