December 18, 2016

Fourth Sunday of Advent

The fourth and final week of advent begins today. This is the day to take a deep breath and go back to the beginning, back to the spirit of love that brings me to this place of light and grace; back to living in the Spirit, and being Spirit. 

This simple fact of being defines my essential self. I am often distracted by my experiences, relationships, and thinking, and I forget to enjoy the being of now! 

When I was hit by a van last year, I was re-awakened to the great joy of just being alive. A lot of my busy-ness was peeled away, because I was unable to do the things I usually do, and I found happiness in being with my friends and family. 

This year I am finding it is easier than usual to let go of my expectations of what Christmas should be, and just let it unfold as it is.

1. Advent wreath ceremony:

Tonight (and every night this week through Christmas day) we will light four advent candles, and recite four prayers:

"We light the first candle for the earth, which sustains us. May we cherish and care for it."

"We light the second candle for all the people of the world. May we find unity and peace."

"We light the third candle for our family and the joy and love we bring each other."

"We light the fourth candle for the Spirit of God in each of us, which is our guiding light."

2. Plan activities:
This week my focus is the Spirit of God, my guide and my light. I try to live all of my life with attention on God but get distracted. I want to have a more effectual connection to Spirit, and so this week I'll practice and improve my prayer habits. 

Prayer can be simple and spontaneous; I can pray anywhere, at any time. I want to create a relationship rather than practice a ritual.

Things to do this week to give attention to the Spirit of God:

  • Each morning as I wake, pause to take a slow breath, and center on the Light. Stay in this gentle meditation as I get dressed, walk Sadie, and move through my morning.
  • Sit every day for a few minutes of silence. Simply practice feeling a presence.
  • Remember to give thanks.
  • Send prayers to others. Pray that God’s love and protection will reach out and surround my loved ones, and all the people of the world.
  • Listen for guidance.
  • Pray all day: Pray as I walk, as I go about the work of the day, before I eat- just concentrate on the attendance of the Spirit of Love, and say a simple phrase to keep us in communication.

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