December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve

Tonight we will all gather at our holiday rental house- my children, my husband, my brothers and sister and all their partners, two mothers, and two dogs.

Agenda tonight:
1. Put Baby Jesus in the manger:
Of course, Baby Jesus must arrive in His crib tonight! 

    I believe that we all have that of God within, and I generally picture it as Light, but the Christ Child is another wonderful image. At Advent, I am a baby again, waiting for birth into wisdom and grace.

    2. Light the Christ candle:
    Normally, just before serving our Christmas Eve Supper, we would light the advent wreath. I decided not to transport my advent wreath to our rental house- this year I will light it a final time when I return on Monday.

    I will also light a a large white candle, commonly called the Christ Candle. It is re-lit each night until the Epiphany to represent Christ's Light, and in order to help guide the Magi to the manger.

    3. Hang our stockings with care.
    Last year's stockings

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