December 4, 2016

Second Sunday of Advent

Advent is a time of vigilant waiting; I wait for something mysterious and unscheduled, but I wait with quiet excitement, and expectation. If I fall asleep to God I risk missing the moment of joy, courage, or insight; the gift of grace that has the potential to feed me in ways I need.
When I remember, I wait expectantly for God during the ordinary moments of everyday life. I walk and work with alertness, watching for those qualities of grace, forgiveness, justice, and love that show me where God is present; I wait with attention- awake, aware, and eager for the Spirit’s gift.

This week my theme is unity and peace. I remind myself of the essential aim of the season- peace on earth and goodwill towards all. My life might seem insignificant in the vastness of the universe, but each life is essential to the well being of the whole. I demonstrate my compassion with small acts of kindness and generosity. When I renew this intention each day, the opportunities to show goodwill appear with regularity.

1. Advent Prayer:

Oh Spirit of Peace, my heart is opening and I wait for You to fill it with grace. Today I renew my intention to be kind, peaceful, patient, generous, and loving with all the people I meet. I ask that You open me to new ways I can help to create justice in the world.

2. Journal:
How can I work now to create the conditions of peace in my community and world?
How can I become better at feeling and exhibiting goodwill for all?

3. Advent wreath ceremony: 
Tonight (and every night this week) we will light two advent candles, and recite two prayers:

"We light the first candle for the earth, which sustains us. May we cherish and care for it."

"We light the second candle for all the people of the world. May we find unity and peace."

4. Plan activities:
Striving to find unity and peace with all the people of the world is a huge goal. Rather then get depressed about it, though, I plan to do a little something positive each day.

Things to do this week to find unity and peace:
  • be peaceful within myself;
  • be in harmony with people I interact with (especially those who irritate me);
  • work to learn about and appreciate traditions and beliefs of people throughout the world;
  • study an issue that is relevant to human rights in the world at this time;
  • challenge myself to work to create the conditions of peace- justice, equality, and freedom- in my family and community.

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