December 13, 2016

Full Cold Moon

And tonight is the Full Moon! The full moon is my monthly time for action and release: I look again at the “seeds of intention” I planted 2 weeks ago at the new moon and decide on my next steps to take, I take those steps, then I release my expectations in order to clear space for new ideas and new intentions.

The full moon of December is called the Cold Moon, for obvious reasons. Nature is resting now in preparation for the growing season, and so should I be! No matter how busy I feel, I can slow down, rest more, and pay better attention to the inner growing that is going on.

Agenda today:
1. Journal:
Look forward into the future (with a feeling of hope) and write about what I want to do with myself in 2017.

Which of my old intentions still seem vital? 

How have I moved closer to my vision?
What new steps might I take in the new year?

2. Practice at my theme:
My theme this month is synergy, the ability to seek unity, embrace teamwork, and work tirelessly towards a better end. It’s the eternally active primal force of creation: No matter what the conditions are-- they will change. You create synergy in your life when you make the effort to see clearly, stay open-minded, and take persistent right action. Synergy will allow you to experience the people in your life as angels, and the places you live, work, and play as paradise.

I think we are in great need of angels right now, and I see it happening: My friends, who (like myself) are shy people, have a new fire lit under them. We are finding ways to work for peace and justice and for the environment. 

Activism and teamwork are not my forte, but I will find ways to help my community and the world that are (mostly) comfortable. I need to keep informed and stay aware of the many needs, but choose carefully where to put my energy. I must be open to where God is leading me to work. My intentions:
  • Keep showing up for SURJ (Standing Up for Racial Justice) events.
  • Help to publicize efforts by CSS (Community Supported Shelters), my favorite homelessness advocates.
  • Support the Sanctuary City movement in our town.
  • Be part of a big event: Attend the Women's March in my state, on Inauguration Day, January 21.
  • Attend the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee meetings once a month, to support safety efforts.
  • Work on my neighborhood dog park project!
3. Create Inner Synergy: 
"Fulfilling the four needs [spiritual, mental, physical, social] in an integrated way is like combining elements in chemistry. When we reach a "critical mass" of integration, we experience spontaneous combustion-- an explosion of inner synergy that ignites the fire within and gives vision, passion, and a spirit of adventure to life."
~Stephen Covey

I love Stephen Covey's advise, and I've experienced that passion, but I've been pondering how to purposefully create synergy within myself. How do I go about engaging my heart, mind, body, and soul in a way that will give me an explosion of passion? Can I build it intentionally, for a particular project? Here's my experimental plan:

1. Choose a project that relates to my life's mission.
2. Engage my mind: Create a clear vision. Write about the project in my journal, and why it's important. Make a beautiful chart and color code it!
3. Engage my heart: Find the love component. Write about who this project is for, and the people skills I might need to develop for this project.
4. Engage my spirit: Choose a mantra, the word or phrase that will remind me of the deepest importance of the project. Light a candle and repeat my mantra, then carry it with me all day.
5. Engage my body: Be prepared. Schedule time to physically do the project, and gather all the supplies and information I need. When the time arrives, stop everything. 
6. Start a fire: Mentally review my vision, repeat my mantra, remember the love, and give my body full attention as I move forward with action.

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