September 23, 2019

Autumn Equinox

The autumn equinox occurred last night at 12:50 a.m. in the Pacific Northwest. Summer is over and darkness will again catch up to the light.

And it does seem like fall-- the rains have begun in earnest, Canadian geese are on the move south, the leaves are turning and beginning to drop, and night temperatures are cooler. Everything in nature is paring down, and moving energy to the roots and into the earth.

This is the second balancing point in the year; in the fall we might gently shift our attention from the physical side of life to the spiritual and mental, to indoor projects and thoughtful pursuits. As the nights lengthen, we have more dark time available, to be alone and to think; to become clear about our intentions; to nurture inner seeds that may not sprout until spring.

Mark the Start of Autumn:
1. Journal queries
2. Fall possibilities list
3. Fall cleaning and decorating
4. Make a straw doll

September 13, 2019

Full Harvest Moon

Photo by Alan Gillespie
Today is the start of Chung Ch’iu, the 3-day Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. It's a happy and beautiful Asian family celebration that comes each year at the time of the full moon in September or October. The full Harvest Moon rises this evening-- obliquely, close to the horizon-- and remains big and bright for a long time, giving extra light to harvesters. In China it's celebrated as a harvest festival and also the moon’s birthday.

I'm not celebrating Chung Ch'iu this year-- for art and recipes see last year's post

Agenda for today:
1. Update my altar
2. Journal queries
3. Practice Stillness
4. Set Intentions
5. Fall cleaning