May 28, 2020


Shavuot is a two-day Jewish holiday that always starts fifty days after Passover, during the Hebrew month of Sivan. It’s the Jewish First Fruits Festival, when the spring wheat is harvested in Israel- a time of thanksgiving for the grains and fruits of the earth. This is the beginning of the harvest season in Israel, which continues throughout the summer and ends with Sukkot in the fall. 

Shavuot also celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews.

Agenda Today:
Cheesecake Parfaits
1. Decorate the house
2. Make cheesecake parfaits
3. First Fruits Meal and Prayer
4. Read the Ten Commandments

May 27, 2020

Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival is an ancient Chinese celebration that always falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month of the Chinese calendar- that's five days after the new moon of May or June. It’s the third largest festival in the Chinese calendar, and it’s considered to be the start of summer. 
On this day everyone watches the spectacular dragon boat races, with the paddlers moving their oars in one fluid motion while the drummer thumps out a rhythm. The races might have begun as a symbolic way to encourage the dragons to fight in heaven and bring rain, so farmers would have good crops. Today, the races are held everywhere from Rome to Seattle, and if you are near enough to see them- how wonderful!

The Chinese call this the Duan Wu Jie (pronounced Dwan woo-oo Jee-eh) or Highest Meridian Festival. A meridian is a high point, as in the sun at the solstice. The Chinese celebrate the solstice today, according to a lunar calendar, so it varies every year. Traditionally this day is dangerous and unhealthy because it’s so strongly yang, putting the forces of ying and yang out of balance.
2018 xiangbao sachets

Agenda Today:
1. A Chinese chant
2. Egg-balancing
3. Make a xiangbao sachet
4. Make zongzi (dumplings)

5. Throw zongzi in the water

May 22, 2020

New Peony Moon (Lunar Leap Month)

Beautiful peonies growing in my neighborhood.
The new moon rises tonight; the Chinese call the fourth new moon the Peony Moon. 

Yes, I know I wrote about the Peony Moon last month; the Chinese calendar has a leap month every three or four years, and this is it! We get to celebrate two fourth-month moons in a row!

Peonies are the flower of riches, romance, and honor, called sho yu in Chinese, which means "most beautiful." Their lush blooms are an omen of good fortune, and also foretell a happy marriage.

This is the season of blossoming into abundance- and we have such great abundance! My tiny Grandson, Aldo, was born this week (early bird)!!! I open myself to the receipt of this great gift, and try to be fully awake to all that each moment holds.

Agenda for today:
1. Journal queries
2. New moon meditation
3. Prepare for a garden party

May 17, 2020


Rogation-tide begins on the Sunday five weeks after Easter and continues for four more days, through Ascension Day on Thursday. 
Rogation is an early Christian tradition of singing psalms and chanting prayers of petition for God's protection on crops, beasts and people. Since medieval days, England parishioners would walk around the parish boundaries, bearing a cross and banners, and asking for God to bless the crops, livestock, and fishing holes. The procession was called 'beating the bounds'; before maps were commonplace, it helped everyone to remember the parish boundaries.

These boundary walks were also known as ‘gang days’ from the Anglo Saxon word ‘gangen’- to go. The parish would bond together as a community, offer charity to poor people they met along the way, and the priest would stop to preach at each prominent tree or landmark.

Now Rogation-tide is celebrated more as a time to honor the gift of creation of the land and waters, to offer thanksgiving for the labors on land and water that feed us, and to pray for stewardship of the earth.

Hawthorn tree in our front yard.
Agenda today:
1. Beat the bounds:
parish is church territory, but I use it to mean the land that I feel responsible for, my home-neighborhood. This is my annual chance to look at my neighborhood and my community with open eyes, and consider how I can help to support those who work to feed me, and how I can be a better steward of the land.

It's especially important to me now, as I work on climate justice, to regain a sense of responsibility for my parish.

Sadie (looking anxious) in front of our neighborhood store, with a large black walnut tree.

The bounds of my "parish" extend roughly eight blocks square with our house in the center-- our neighborhood store is to the north, our park to the east, the drainage creek to the south, and the school I teach at to the west.

Beautiful tulip poplar at our park.

As I walk the bounds, I stop at "trees of importance" to say these prayers:

Huge Oregon white oak behind the fairgrounds.
For rains and fruitful seasons, and your blessing upon the lands and waters, 
I pray to you, Oh God. 

Small dogwood tree at my school.

For all who work upon the earth and seas to bring forth food for all your creatures, I pray to you, Oh God. 

For all who care for the earth, the water, and the air, that the riches of your creation may abound from age to age, 
I pray to you, Oh God. 


2. Bless my garden: 
When I got home from my boundary walk, I went to my garden to ask blessings on my seeds, animals, trees, and beds-

Great Spirit, Creator of all things and Giver of all life, let your blessing be upon this garden, the animals and people who live here, and grant that we may serve. Amen.

3. Research: 
Read up on farm-worker and small farmer issues, as well as local environmental issues. 

What service am I called to do?

4. Make Rammalation Biscuits:
While technically these are days of fasting, in England the tradition was to gather after the Rogation Procession to drink "ganging beer" and eat "rammalation biscuits." 

Unfortunately, no one knows what rammalation biscuits are- possibly a cookie to eat while you "perambulate”? I decided to make a classic English Digestive Biscuit, and they are very yummy. The recipe is here.

May 7, 2020

Wesak and Full Flower Moon

Tonight is the full moon. The May full moon is called the Flower Moon, because this is a month of blossoming and the promise of abundance. The flowers in my garden are a delicate reminder to me to project a gentle, honest spirit into the world. I open my heart, give my gifts with love, and receive, with gratitude, the bounty of gifts others offer to me.

Today is also Wesak (pronounced way-sak). The full moon in May is the day that Buddhists honor the birth of Gautama Buddha in Lumbini, Nepal, in 623 BCE, and also honor his enlightenment and death.

Buddhists all over the world celebrate this day by pausing to remember the Buddha's virtues, expressing their gratitude and appreciation for his teachings, and by finding ways to be more Buddha-like.

Agenda for today:
1. Update my altar

2. Journal queries
3. Practice at my theme of integrity
4. Find ways to be more Buddha-like
5. Make a lantern for Wesak
6. Cook Hath Maaluwa (Seven Vegetables Curry)

May 1, 2020

May Day

May Day, on May 1st, is a spring celebration of the blooming flowers. Maying is what we call the things we do to celebrate this beautiful month-- going on picnics, picking flowers, dancing around a maypole, and sharing our love.
May Day is an ancient holiday stemming from the festival of Floralia which honored Flora, the Flourishing One, the Roman goddess of spring. 

Flora is a bright nature goddess who makes trees bloom- she is a “lady of pleasure", but also a symbol of motherhood. She wears a garland of flowers in her hair, and in her right hand she holds a columbine, for fertility. In England a young woman is chosen as May Queen, representing Flora, and is crowned with hawthorn blossoms. She is often accompanied by a May King.

1. Prepare a Beltane fire
2. Bring in the May
3. May baskets
4. Make Tippaleivät (Finnish May Day Fritters)
5. Maypole Dances

6. Daily Creative Flow