Fall Recipes A - Z

Recipes from Fall Equinox to Winter Solstice,
in alphabetical order;
click the link to find the recipe

Almond Katli for Diwali
On Diwali, Indians give gifts to each other, especially big trays of candy! Almond Katli is a traditional Diwali sweet, and it’s pretty easy to make. It's like almond fudge or marzipan- sweet and yummy.
Aash-e-jo (barley soup) with lamb for Mehregan
Zoroastrians in Iran and India have a community feast today, and non-Zoroastrians have a family feast. I made Persian lamb and barley stew for my family.
Aash-e-Reshte (noodle soup) for Ayathrem
On the fifth day of a Gahambar, all the community comes together for a potluck feast, with traditional Persian dishes: Papeta-ma-ghosh, Iranian soup, fried bread, kharu-ghosh, ambakalio, cucumber salad, and ajil - a mix of seven different dried fruit and nuts. Aash-e-Reshte, a delicious, rich noodle soup, is the meal normally served in Iran.
Christmas Pudding for Stir Up Sunday
Today is the traditional day in Britain to make the Christmas pudding, and set it aside for Christmas Day so the flavors have a month to develop. 
Cucidati (Italian fig cookies) for Christmas
These are traditional Sicilian Christmas cookies with figs, raisins, honey, and cinnamon, with the not so traditional addition of chocolate! The name means "little bracelets", which describes the shape most common for Christmas, but they also make delicious regular fig bars.

Fiskesuppe (Norwegian fish soup) for Winter Nights
In the old days, friends and family would gather at farmstead feast halls during the twelve days of Winter Nights, to play ball games on the frozen lakes during the day, and eat and drink to excess during the night. I decided to make this hearty fish soup to warm my family after a day of heavy rain.
Fry Bread for Indigenous Peoples Day
Traditional powwow food!
Gao (nine- layer rice cake) for Chong yeung
Chong yeung cakes come in many shapes and forms. This is a simple nine-layer rice cake, with alternating layers of brown and white batter.
Gingerbread house for Christmas

Latkes for Hanukkah
It is traditional to eat fried foods on this holiday, because of the significance of the oil in the lamp.

Lussekatt (St. Lucia buns) for Luciadagen
It’s the custom in Sweden for the oldest daughter in the family to play Lucia; she dresses in white, with a crown of candles, and brings coffee and Lucia buns to each member of the family.

Moon Cakes for the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival
Pan de Muertos for the Day of the Dead
Pan de muerto, or bread of the dead, is a rich sweetbread flavored with anise and orange peel. It is most often formed into a simple round loaf with crisscrossed bones of dough on top, and colored sugar sprinkles.
Peanut brittle for Black Friday
I start my gift-making in earnest on Black Friday. Peanut brittle is a good make-ahead project, because it can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 month (if you hide it!).

Pfeffernüsse for St. Nicholas Eve
In Holland children get pfeffernüsse on St. Nicholas eve. Pfeffernüsse means “pepper nuts”, and they are supposed to be as hard as nuts! To eat them you need to suck on them until they soften. They improve with age- they get harder- so make them well in advance of Christmas. 

One full batch- 150 small cookies.
Pumpkin Pie for Thanksgiving
Red Lentil Soup for the Nativity Fast
I am going to continue my short Nativity Fast with this delicious Syrian soup.

Revithia Soupa (ρεβιθόσουπα) for the Nativity Fast
Tonight I'm going to make this traditional Greek vegan soup. Revithia means chickpeas; the stock is creamy and lemony- delicious!

Rice Kheer for Rohatsu
After his seven days of fasting and meditation, the Buddha was emaciated and very weak. A girl named Sujata from a nearby town came to offer him a bowl of rice pudding with honey to help him to recover his strength.
Soul Cakes for Halloween
It was a custom in Britain and Ireland for people to go ‘a-souling’ on Halloween- go door to door, singing and saying prayers for the dead; this is the origin of trick-or-treating! These people were called Soulers, and people gave them Soul Cakes. Each cake eaten represented a soul freed from suffering.

It's traditional at Sukkot to eat fall harvest foods, especially anything stuffed, because these are a symbol of all the plenty we have been blessed with.

Sugar skulls for the Day of the Dead
Tharid for Mawlid al nabi
Tharid is a meat and vegetable stew served over crispy bread, thought to be Prophet Mohammad’s favorite dish. I made it today to honor Muslims around the world and as a wish for peace.
Weckmänner (Bun Men) for Martinstag
These yummy yeast breads in the shape of people often appear at Martinstag celebrations.

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