Vision Walking

On a Vision Walk you will access your intuitive mind - your connection to God, or the Inner Guide - by putting yourself into a relaxed, trance-like state, and seeking a leading of the spirit with an open mind and heart. 

Note that, even though I have described a process here, a vision walk can't really be scripted; at some point you might need to go where the vision takes you, or let go of a need for anything to happen at all!

Set the mood: Light a candle and dim the lights. If you want, you can turn on some favorite instrumental music very softly - Native American flute, or Shamanic drumming - anything that will help to tune out your rational mind.

Craft a clear intention: Say something like, "Today I call on the Spirit of Light to guide me, bring me clarity and open my eyes to the Truth. What is the Truth that is coming into focus for me now? What is my next step?"

If you have a specific idea in mind that is starting to nag at you, go ahead and form a question about it, but leave an opening for other ideas as well.

Relax, breathe, walk or float: With each breath, allow your awareness to deepen and become softer. No stress. No rush. Walk or float in an imaginary void (or you might feel the need to stand and walk around your actual space, or move to the beat of the music).

Go through a door: When you feel ready, see yourself moving through a doorway or opening into another space. Take time to settle there, in a safe, dark, warm place.

Open to messages and gifts: You might get a vision, or thoughts, or just a feeling. Perhaps you will get a clear answer to one of your questions.

Give thanks and return: Saying thanks out loud is how you acknowledge the reality of the gift. Then, turn around and exit the way you came in.

Journal: In about 15-minutes, or when the music ends, get up and quickly write (or draw) in your journal the images and thoughts that came to you, without editing or judging.

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