July 23, 2017

New Lotus Moon

"Lotus in the Mud" - in progress
The Chinese call the sixth new moon the Lotus Moon. Yes, I know I wrote about the Lotus Moon last month; the Chinese calendar has a leap month every three or four years, and this is it! We get to celebrate two sixth-month moons in a row!

The lotus is the "flower of open-heartedness", an emblem of purity, fruitfulness (because of its many seeds), and creative power. A lotus flower grows out of the mud, and blossoms above the muddy water surface; Buddhists teach that, like a lotus, we can rise above the suffering and conflicts of life.

This second chance at the Lotus Moon is the natural time to sink into the mud of my life, and seek out the best ways to grow above the fray.

Agenda for today:

1. Play in the Mud
2. Journal Queries
3. New Moon Meditation
4. Make a shiny mud ball
5. Plan small steps

July 8, 2017

Full Thunder Moon

Tonight is the full moon called the Thunder Moon. July days have the humming energy of a summer storm. 
The sun is at the peak of it's power, lighting all corners with its radiance, and burning away all non-essentials. It's a month of passion and activity: I'm challenged to stretch, and try new, uncomfortable things. My life expands; my thoughts become clear. I am primed for success.

Agenda for today:
1. Update my altar
2. Journal queries
3. Depth practices