December 31, 2017

Kwanzaa - Day Six - and New Year's Eve

The sixth day of Kwanzaa is dedicated to the principle of Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah), which is creativity. I can use my creative energies to build a beautiful and vibrant home and community.

And tonight is New Year's Eve- a big night for many people. W and I will celebrate with our children at my daughter's new home.

Agenda Today:
1. Journal queries
2. Kwanzaa ceremony
3. Finish my Intentions Poster
4. Make wassail
5. Wassail my apple tree
6. Make noise!

December 30, 2017

Kwanzaa - Day Five

The fifth day of Kwanzaa is dedicated to the principle of nia (NEE-ah), which is purpose. Purpose allows me to dream of the best future, to look within and set personal goals that are beneficial to me, my family, and my community.

2017 resolutions
1. Journal queries
2. Kwanzaa ceremony
3. Make New Year's resolutions
4. Make a resolutions postcard

December 29, 2017

Kwanzaa - Day Four

The fourth day of Kwanzaa is dedicated to the principle of ujamaa (oo-JAH-maah), cooperative economics- the idea that when we all work together, we all profit. Cooperative economics encourages us to meet our common needs by chipping in together. Imagine a world where everyone shares their wealth (even our government) and uses our economic strengths to make the world a better place!

1. Journal queries
2. Kwanzaa ceremony
3. Donation pledge

December 28, 2017

Kwanzaa - Day Three

The third day of Kwanzaa is dedicated to the principle of ujima (oo-JEE-mah), which is collective work and responsibility. Ujima is teamwork, working together for others and helping my neighbors.

Ujima reminds me of my obligation to my community, society, and world, and to the past, present and future. Imagine if all my actions flowed from the actions of those who came before me, and were considerate of all those who will come after me! That would be a life of great integrity and compassion!

Agenda today:
1. Journal queries
2. Kwanzaa ceremony
3. Helping my neighbors
4. End of year work

December 27, 2017

Kwanzaa - Day Two

The second day of Kwanzaa is dedicated to the principle of kujichagulia (koo-jee-cha-goo-LEE-ah), which is self-determination: Thinking for myself, and deciding what I will say and what I will do with my life. In other words, I won’t let the dominant culture decide how I live!

Self-determination requires me to understand who I am- personally, historically, and culturally. I need to know the history of my people and where I come from, so that I can live grounded in my past. My English, Welsh, German, Swiss, French, and Dutch ancestors have much wisdom and insight to offer me.

1. Journal queries
2. Kwanzaa ceremony
3. Update my intentions poster

December 26, 2017

Kwanzaa - Day 0ne

Kwanzaa is a seven-day African-American cultural holiday- an American holiday inspired by African traditions. The word kwanza is Swahili for “first”, as in "first fruits", because in some parts of Africa this is the season for first fruits harvest festivals. Kwanzaa is a time of thanksgiving for the earth, but also a time to honor ancestors, and a time for African-Americans to celebrate their heritage and learn about African traditions and values.

In fact, values are the main theme of Kwanzaa; Kwanzaa was created to introduce and reinforce seven basic values of African culture, called the Nguzo Saba, which in Swahili means the Seven Principles. All of us can benefit and grow by celebrating these principles.

The Kwanzaa principles focus on community because in African philosophy a true human is always a person-in-community; this is reflected in the African saying, "I am because we are" (a good counter balance for the Me First thinking of the American culture). 

When my children were younger, we celebrated Kwanzaa as a family, but now I celebrate mostly alone, and find creative ways to connect the activities to the various parts of my community.

1. Journal queries
2. Kwanzaa altar
3. Kwanzaa ceremony
4. Unity project

December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Today is Christmas, but only the first day of Christmas- the start of the twelve-day festal tide adopted by the Christian Church. In 567 C.E. church leaders proclaimed the days from December 25 to Epiphany as a sacred, festive season.

We've had a lovely 3-day Christmas celebration, beginning on Friday and continuing through last night. (When you have young adults in the family, you need to be flexible... work schedules and travel plans interfere with the traditional timing of things.) And I was so relaxed I didn't get any pictures all weekend!

What we did:

1. Hang our stockings with care
2. Put Baby Jesus in the manger
3. Make Danish Prune Bread
4. Make Seven Fishes Stew
5. Open Gifts
6. Have a feast
7. Continue the Festal Tide

December 21, 2017

Winter Solstice and Dong Zhi

The winter solstice occurs this morning at 8:28 a.m. pacific standard time.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the December solstice happens during the coldest season of the year, when the sun is at it’s lowest angle and is seen for it’s shortest period. This is the moment of new beginnings- the darkest time, with the brightest hope. 

Many ancient solstice traditions are adopted and absorbed into Christmas festivities. I mark the solstice separately from- but linked to- Christmas. This is when I honor the sun, and remember that in spite of our technology, we are still dependent on the sun for life. Our world does revolve around the sun!

Agenda today:
1. Say a prayer
2. Paint a plum tree calendar
3. Christmas Novena, day 6

December 19, 2017

Advent House Blessing

Okay- If your family is like mine, things are getting very exciting, and a little stressful. On top of the stress about finishing gifts and preparing food in time, we have young adults in the family who work holiday hours- that is, all the time. We can't plan anything because we don't know their schedules yet. I am trying to be calm and flexible, but it's hard because I do like to KNOW THE PLAN!

Someone is most excited about the trees.
Also, we are going through a major transition- my daughter and son-in-law are moving into a new house, their first real home together (and they have a fireplace!) We are trying to fit in some Christmas fun between painting rooms, repairing electrical outlets, and plumbing, but I'm sure it's jarring to switch focus back and forth. 

1. Holding my PLANS in the light
2. House blessing
3. Make a gingerbread house
4. Christmas Novena, day 4

December 18, 2017

Advent Prayers

The theme of the Advent season is joyous preparation, waiting and watching for the signs of grace, preparing for the birth of the Christ Child, and for the re-birth of the sun. 

The turning point of solstice is near- the light born out of the darkness- but it's only the very beginning, not anything complete. I can feel my own tiny inner growing- a flicker of compassion, a butterfly of creativity, a sprout of wisdom.

When I observe advent well, I find that I am now mostly prepared for this final week- my house is fairly clean, shopping is almost finished, and the cupboards are filled with delectable food. I need to complete only a few finishing touches.

I need also to keep my focus on the Spirit of Love that guides me.

Agenda Today:
1. Advent Prayers
2. Christmas Novena, day 3
3. Make Fizzing Bath Balls

December 17, 2017

Fourth Sunday of Advent

The fourth and final week of advent begins today. This is the day to take a deep breath and go back to the beginning, back to the spirit of love that brings me to this place of light and grace; back to living in the Spirit, and being Spirit. 

Tonight is also the new moon. The Chinese call the eleventh new moon the White Moon, perhaps because it brings the snow, or perhaps because it's a yin time of year: Night, female, water, and cold is dominant.

Chinese philosophy says the winter season is a time of conservation and storage; we slow down, go inward, and spend more time on quiet activities.

1. Journal queries
2. New moon meditation
3. Advent wreath ceremony
4. Plan ways to give attention to the Spirit
5. Christmas Novena, day 2

December 16, 2017

Las Posadas

Las Posadas is a nine-day celebration that begins tonight, on December 16. Posadas is Spanish for "lodging", and the nine days represent the nine months of Mary's pregnancy.

In Mexico, people gather and carry candles and clay figures of Mary and Joseph from house to house, reenacting Mary and Joseph’s search for a room at an inn. They are turned away again and again with a rude “No!” Finally, one house allows them to enter, and everyone celebrates with food and a piñata. The procession is repeated each night through Christmas Eve, with a party at a different house each night.

Tonight is also the start of the Christmas Novena in Italy. A Novena is a Catholic ritual, a prayer repeated daily for nine days. It can take place at any time of the year, but one of the most observed is the Christmas Novena, recited or sung during the 9 days leading up to Christmas day. Las Posadas comes from that same tradition.

1. Listen to novenas

2. Sign up to help at the Warming Center
3. Set out our crèche
4. Make Mexican hot chocolate
5. Read the Christmas story
6. Have a Posadas Procession

December 15, 2017

Family at Advent

During this week of Advent my theme has been "family love and joy". Most of the joy of the season is spontaneous and un-planable, but I do these three things to create the conditions:
  • Take care of myself so I can be calm and present for the spontaneous joy when it arises.
  • Take the time to consider what others- friends and family- will want most this season. In other words, I become less self-focused and more generous in all ways. 
  • Be respectful, patient, and kind (no matter how stressed  I feel).
These are obviously year-round aspirations, but I need a strict reminder now, because, somehow, everything seems so important: I feel I must get this right.

Agenda this week:
1. Daily meditation
2. Card-writing practice
3. Make simple gifts

December 10, 2017

Third Sunday of Advent and Human Rights Day

We have made it through the second week of advent, and now the excitement is really growing! Unfortunately, excitement can often turn into feelings of pressure, worry, loneliness, disappointment, or frayed nerves.

This is a good time to give extra attention to the importance of friends and family, and find ways to support and comfort each other.

Also, it's Human Rights Day: The United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on this day in 1948. Today the UN kicks off a year-long campaign to mark the upcoming 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

1. Journal queries
2. Advent wreath ceremony
3. Plan activities for family fun
4. Take the human rights pledge
5. Take action

December 7, 2017

Advent Oneness

My theme for this week of Advent is "Striving to find unity and peace with all the people of the world".

One way I love to do that is by learning about the traditions and beliefs of people throughout the world. This week I decided to learn more about the advent customs in Italy.

1- Research and plan
2- Make cucidati (Italian fig cookies)
3- Make creche figures

December 6, 2017

St. Nicholas Day Kindness

Today is St. Nicholas Day.
My theme for this week of Advent is "Striving to find unity and peace with all the people of the world". One way I do that is to try to be in harmony with the people I interact with (especially those who irritate me), and one way I do that is to work at being a kinder person. 

St. Nicholas Day is a perfect time to think about kindness, and ways to be kinder. Kindness is simple, honest, peaceful, and joyful, and it leads to generosity, patience, integrity, and unity. When I commit to being kind, I give my life greater meaning and depth. This week I intend to-

  • Practice holding my tongue (including inside-my-head-talk); less snapping at people!
  • Try to follow through with any strong, generous impulse that comes into my heart- if it is mostly reasonable.
  • When I am impatient, cruel, or clumsy, just take a breathe, accept myself as I am, apologize, and gather my resolve to begin again.
Agenda Today:
1. Advent Prayer
2. Kindness meditation
3. Random Acts of Kindness
4. Make sparkly candle holders

December 5, 2017

St. Nicholas Eve

Tonight is the eve of St. Nicholas Day. Nicholas was born in Lycia, which is now part of Turkey. Legend says he was a kind and generous man, who protected the poor and did many great deeds.

In Holland St. Nicholas is called Sinter Klaas (he is the original Santa Claus). Children in Holland leave their shoes by the fireplace on this night, and in the morning they are filled with marzipan and small toys. Also, Sinter Claus often leaves larger gifts tonight or during the next day. 

Toys for Tots

Agenda today:
1. Joy of Giving meditation
2. Journal queries
3. Donate a toy to Toys for Tots
4. Make pfeffernüsse
5. Fill shoes

December 4, 2017

Create Peace and Unity

My theme for this week of Advent is "Striving to find unity and peace with all the people of the world".
It's always my intention to work to create the conditions of peace - justice, equality, and freedom- in my family and community, but last year it began to feel imperative; so important that I was moved to action! I got involved in small ways - going to rallies, helping to serve food to the homeless, and staying more informed.

This week I challenge myself to get clearer on my next steps.

1. Journal queries
2. Do some research
3. Choose next steps

December 3, 2017

Second Sunday of Advent and Full Cold Moon

Today starts the second week of advent. Advent is a time of vigilant waiting; I wait for something mysterious and unscheduled, but I wait with quiet excitement, and expectation. If I fall asleep to this awareness I risk missing the moment of joy, courage, or insight; the gift of grace that has the potential to feed me in ways I need.
And tonight is the Full Moon! The full moon of December is called the Cold Moon, for obvious reasons. Nature is resting now in preparation for the growing season, and so should I be. No matter how busy I feel, I can slow down, rest more, and pay better attention to the inner growing that is going on.

Agenda today:
1. Journal queries
2. Update my altar
3. Advent wreath ceremony
4. Plan activities for unity and peace
5. Practice at my theme
6. Create inner synergy

December 2, 2017

Advent Simplicity

My theme for this first week of Advent is to "Cherish and care for the earth". My aim this advent is to celebrate simply and consume less.

The modern way of observing the winter holidays supports an increase in waste; one statistic says that Americans throw away 25% more trash– an additional 5 million tons between Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve. A fun holiday season doesn't have to be a wasteful one!

Tips for a Simple Holiday:
  • Simplify your expectations. Think about which traditions are most important to you. Find meaning and fulfillment in spirituality, and your relationships with family and friends.
  • Be frugal and spend less money this year; reduce your purchasing of wants.
  • Make your own gifts or buy simple, durable gifts; avoid the latest fad; buy gifts made locally and made from recycled materials.
  • Use cloth napkins and reusable plates and cups for holiday parties.
  • Make reusable bags out of pretty fabric to use as gift-wraps for family. Make tags from last year’s Christmas cards.
  • Make decorations from found materials, and from materials collected in nature.
Agenda Today:
1. Journal queries
2. Make fabric bags
3. Deck the halls