December 4, 2017

Create Peace and Unity

My theme for this week of Advent is "Striving to find unity and peace with all the people of the world".
It's always my intention to work to create the conditions of peace - justice, equality, and freedom- in my family and community, but last year it began to feel imperative; so important that I was moved to action! I got involved in small ways - going to rallies, helping to serve food to the homeless, and staying more informed.

This week I challenge myself to get clearer on my next steps.

1. Journal queries
2. Do some research
3. Choose next steps
1. Journal queries:
What did I do last year to work for peace and justice?
What are possible next steps?

2. Do some research:
I have a couple of areas I am led to understand better:

First, I've been reading about the group "No LNG. No Pipeline.", which is focusing on stopping Veresen, a Canadian energy company, from building the Pacific Connector pipeline across public and private lands in southern Oregon. I attended one rally last month, and will keep my eyes open for more.

Secondly, I read updates from the Friends Committee on National Legislation, which lobbies Congress and the administration to advance peace, justice, opportunity, and environmental stewardship.

And thirdly, I continue to read articles posted by SURJ, a national network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial justice.
3. Choose next steps:
I'm a shy person- not an activist- but I find I can't stay quiet right now. Here is what I am doing--

1- This week I'm going to serve dinner to homeless people at the Egan Warming Center, which is activated because the temperatures are supposed to drop to 29ยบ tonight. The Center is actually not one place, but many buildings that open their doors whenever it gets cold, in an attempt to prevent people from freezing to death. I'll be there for a few hours for the next three evenings.

2- I'm open to some kind of peace activism; not sure what will happen, but I want to speak out against war.

3- I plan to attend the Women's March in my community, on January 20, 2018.

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