August 30, 2021

Third Quarter moon of August

Today's waning third quarter moon
 energy is yin - quiet, internal, heart-driven, intentional Being-ness. The focus for the next few days is on renewal, cleansing, and self-care.

1. Renewal plan
2. Self-care routine
3. Cleansing

August 28, 2021

Hungry Ghost Festival

My hungry ghost altar

The Hungry Ghost Festival was actually a week ago at the full moon, but I forgot. The ghosts have been wandering the land since the beginning of Hungry Ghost Month, at the new moon; by now they must be very hungry, so it's a good idea to offer them food.

In China both Taoists and Buddhists perform rituals to soothe the sufferings of the dead. The Taoist name for the Hungry Ghost Festival is the Zhong Yuan Festival, and Buddhists call it the Yulanpen Festival. Think of it as a summertime Halloween celebration!

1. Prepare offerings
2. Family feast
3. Hungry ghost ceremony
4. Make a floating lantern

August 26, 2021

Waning Gibbous Moon of August

Grandson Art - 1 year
Now the moon is waning
getting smaller - until it is new again. During the waning moon, the moon's energy changes, and we move gradually into the yin phase - slow down, go within, and focus on inner work. I back off a bit on actively pursuing my goals, and allow the ease of being a loving, thoughtful person to carry me towards my dreams.

The waning gibbous moon is a time to practice opening to receive blessings, feeling and expressing gratitude, and generosity with giving (towards others AND with myself).

Agenda today:
1. Journal queries
2. Generosity practices
3. Gratitude journal

August 22, 2021

Full Red moon and Raksha Bandhan

Tonight is the full Red Moon, called that because it often appears reddish as it rises through the sultry haze of late summer - and in our valley, a sultry haze is the norm! One lovely (possibly Native American) explanation for the redness is that the moon is blushing after being kissed by the sun.

In India, this is also the Festival of Raksha Bandhan, which means “knot of protection.” Traditionally, girls tie a braided thread called a rakhi around the wrist of each brother-- a symbol of a sister's love and prayers for her brother's health and happiness, and to remind him of his life-long vow to protect his sister. Now it is also common for girls to trade rakhis with sisters, and with friends.

Agenda for today:
1. Journal queries
2. Make rakhis
3. Send love and prayers to my sister and brothers

4. Make Kayla Halwa (Banana fudge)
5. Full Moon ceremony

August 18, 2021

Waxing Gibbous Moon

Photo by Alan Gillespie
The waxing gibbous moon is the not-quite-full moon: Waxing means getting larger, and gibbous means humped or protuberant.

This phase of the moon creates the high-energy that provides a push towards completion. In four days, at the August full moon, we will turn again towards the yin time of inner activity, so I make an effort in these next few days to finish my tasks that require greater physical effort. 

Also, the waxing gibbous moon is a good time for reevaluation, refinements, and creativity.

1. Journal queries
2. Creative visualization

August 15, 2021

First Quarter Moon of August

Photo by Alan Gillespie
At the First Quarter Moon we are one-quarter of the way through the moon cycle. The moon is waxing - getting larger - until it's full again. Now is the time to remain flexible, use my obstacles as fuel for growth, and show full effort for priorities.

1. Journal queries
2. Make a full effort plan

August 12, 2021

Waxing Crescent Moon

Now the moon is waxing until it's full again; it's building light and building energy. Astrologists say that it’s important to expend your energy now to honor this cycle of expansion, and also let the brighter moon shine a light on challenging areas in your life to aid personal expansion. 
Photo by Alan Gillespie
In these first days of the waxing crescent moon, I'll tap into this metaphor and give attention to my own growing energy, take first steps towards my intentions, and find my motivation to follow through with persistent action.

1. Plan first steps
2. Mindfulness

August 9, 2021


Al-Hijra is the first day of the Islamic month of Muharram, the Islamic New Year; it begins at sunset tonight, when the crescent moon is sighted
Hijra means migration, and also an escape from a dangerous situation. The original hijra was the journey of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE, after he learned that another Arab tribe was trying to assassinate him.

Islamic years are calculated from that day, called 1 Muharram, 622 CE. They are followed by the suffix AH, which stands for "After Hijra". Tonight begins 1443 AH.

1. Journal queries
2. Prayer
3. Depth walking meditation

August 8, 2021

New Hungry Ghost Moon (Ghost Gate)

The Chinese call the seventh new moon the Hungry Ghost Moon, or Ghost Gate. This whole month is called Ghost Month, and special ceremonies take place today, and on the full moon, and again on the last day of the month.
This day is called Ghost Gate because today the Hungry Ghosts are let out of hell to roam the earth, looking for entertainment and seeking out their enemies. The Hungry Ghosts are depicted with huge, round bellies, large mouths, and very thin necks. 

Hungry Ghosts have two manifestations: They appear as the spirits of unhappy, homeless souls, and we also have our Inner Hungry Ghosts. This month I acknowledge my unhealthy cravings and insatiable greeds, that are always hungry and never satisfied, and that haunt me but I'm so used to feeding them that I don't really notice them anymore.

The new moon is the start of the lunar cycle, a time of high energy and clear thinking. Historically, the new moon is when women took time to be alone; it's a time to retreat, set intentions, and initiate something new.

Agenda for Today:
1. Journal queries
2. Retreat Day
3. Pick a theme
4. Goals and intentions
5. New moon altar
6. Ghost Gate ceremony

August 4, 2021

Waning Crescent Moon of August

This waning crescent moon is the final phase of the Lotus Moon cycle. The next new moon, in four days, will be the Hungry Ghost Moon cycle. At the new moon I'll set my intentions for the month ahead.

But right now, at the waning crescent, it's time to evaluate and brainstorm, find purpose, and surrender. I'll open to curiosity and attention, contemplate what I might want in the 30 days ahead, and rest up for the move back into yang-action modeThese next few days are a chance to look back and look forward, and think about the big picture of my life.


August 1, 2021


Lughnasa (loo-na-sa) is a Celtic festival celebrated in early August, usually August 1st. It's called a cross-quarter day because it falls approximately midway between summer solstice and autumn equinox, marking the end of summer in the Celtic tradition, and the beginning of the harvesting season.

The name Lughnasa comes from Lugh, the Celtic God of harvests, crafts, and the lightening flash, and nasad, which was an assembly or gathering. Lughnasad was a gathering to honor and appease Lugh, so he would hopefully not throw a summer storm temper-tantrum, and ruin the harvest. 

Lugh is a master of all crafts, and is known for sharing his knowledge with humans. I feel a connection to Lugh-- he is the image of God as an Arts and Crafts Teacher! 

But he is also the trickster face of God-- chaotic, disorderly, operating outside the framework of right and wrong-- sending lightning at inconvenient moments. This isn't a comfortable image, but I have to face the fact that my spiritual life isn't always comfortable; sometimes what I harvest is tough to chew.

Agenda Today:
1. Journal Queries
2. Make bread
3. Start a craft project