Winter Recipes A - Z

Recipes from Winter Solstice to Spring Equinox, 
in alphabetical order; 
click the link to find the recipe!
Ajeel for Chahar Shanbe Suri' (The Festival of Fire)
Tonight children in Iran visit their neighbor's houses in disguise, usually something like a veil covering their entire body. Each kid carries an empty metal bowl and a metal spoon. At the door, they bang the spoons on the bowls and on the door. The neighbor places a treat - usually ajeel- in each visitor's bowl. The kids try to remain silent and anonymous throughout the process.

Ajeel is a Persian mixture of dried fruits with roasted nuts and seeds, similar to trail mix. There is no one recipe- you just make it as you like it. Use the list below as a starting place, and add or subtract as you wish.

Ash-e Reshteh soup for Red Wednesday Eve
Ash-e is Persian for soup, and Reshteh is Persian for noodles. This soup is rich and hearty, and the noodles bring good luck tonight. 

Blini for Maslenitsa Festival
All through the week of Maslenitsa Russians cook piles of big, round, golden blini (pronounced blee-NEE) pancakes, a symbol of the spring sun. Once Lent begins people will eat only simple foods, so this is the last chance for a feast!
Blini with whipped cream.
Buddha Bowl for Nirvana Day
A Buddha bowl is a complete vegetarian meal in a single-serving bowl. The name seems to be a fairly recent invention, but probably stems from the habit Buddhist monks had of carrying a bowl to ask for donations.

Christmas Pudding for Christmas Day
The pudding is made on Stir Up Sunday, the last Sunday before Advent- the traditional day in Britain to make the Christmas pudding, and set it aside for Christmas Day so the flavors have a month to develop.
This is a favorite Trinidad carnival food, served by vendors outside of fĂȘtes and street parties. It is one of the most delicious soups I've ever eaten.
You can see three dumplings in the center of the bowl.
Danish Prune Bread for Christmas Day
Christmas sweet bread is a tradition in most every country. This delicious bread is from Denmark. You can easily make the dough and filling in advance and shape it to bake fresh on Christmas morning.
Focaccia della Befana for Twelfth Night
In Italy, this delicious sweet bread studded with candied orange rind is traditional today.
Friendship Soup for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
We each brought a vegetable to class and we worked together to made a pot of Friendship Soup for lunch.


Fruit Seder meal for Tu B'Shevat

Eating fruit on this night helps to keep Divine blessings flowing in the world. We will have a fruit seder tonight at sunset.

Hishi Mochi for Hina Matsuri
In Japan, children often share a tea party with friends today, and serve sweet sticky hishi mochi (HEE-she MO-chee), with pink, white, and green layers.
Hoppin’ John for New Year's Day
In many places legumes (beans, peas, lentils) and cooked greens (cabbage, collards, kale, or chard) are consumed at New Year's because they are symbolic of money; legumes resemble coins, and greens look like folded money. This recipe comes from the American south.

Jai for Chinese New Year 
In Buddhist tradition, no meat is eaten on this first day of the year. It’s traditional to eat this hot vegetarian dish that is part of a Buddhist rite to give thanks for the fruits of the earth. There are many recipes for jai;  you can adapt mine to suit your taste. 
Jiao-zi dumplings for Chinese New Year 
These delicious dumplings are prepared ahead of time and frozen, to be to served to guests on New Year’s Day. They symbolize endless treasure because they are crescent-shaped like a kind of ancient Chinese money. When you boil them, try not to break them, or you will see your treasure floating away!
Kings Cake for Epiphany
A tiny clay doll (or an almond or coin) is placed inside the cake to symbolize the coming of the baby Jesus. Each guest cuts a piece, and the person whose serving contains the doll is considered king or queen of the fiesta.
Lagana (Greek flat bread) for Clean Monday
Its traditional to tear and not slice your loaf of lagana today to avoid bad luck.

I served my lagana with garlic-rosemary olive oil.
Latkas for Hanukkah
It is traditional to eat fried foods on this holiday, because of the significance of the oil in the lamp.
Malpua for Holi
Malpua is a very addictive festive sweet from North India especially prepared during the Holi festival. After we have covered ourselves with colored water and paint, we dry off, change clothes and wrap up in blankets to share our malpua and hot tea.
Moong dal for Vasant Panchami
Make a big bowl of steaming hot yellow lentils to celebrate the first signs of spring.
Nien-gao, Chinese New Year's Cakes 
Nien-gao is a special kind of cake that is always served at the Chinese New Year. The word gao sounds the same as a Chinese word that means higher up, so this is called the cake filled with high hopes and expectations! Eating this cake will ensure you success in the New Year. There are several different types of cakes, some have dates, some peanuts- this one is coated in sesame seeds.
Persian Spiced Apples for St. Dorothy's Day
St. Dorothy lived in Caesarea in central Turkey, around the year 313 AD. She was tried for refusing to worship idols, and a mocking lawyer asked her to send him fruit from the garden of Paradise. In response to her prayer, an angel appeared and presented three roses and three apples.

Pickled Beets and Herring Salad for ThorrablĂłt
Because of the long winter in Iceland, all kinds of pickled vegetables are essential.

Pitka for Babin Den
Pitka is a basic Bulgarian bread recipe that is made in many ways, with cheese filling, or with honey, etc. I stuck to simple buttery bread, formed as rolls but then baked together so you need to pull it apart to eat it. This is a nice gift for a Grandmother in your life!
Plough Pudding for Plow Monday
This is a steamed meat pudding traditionally made in Britain on Plow Monday.

The Pongol rice is central to this holiday. You can make the rice on the stove in the usual manner, but if at all possible, try to experience the "overflowing" that gives Pongal its name.
Pretzels for Lent
Pretzels are an acceptable Lenten treat invented by an Italian monk as a reward to children who learned their prayers. The strips of baked dough are folded to resemble arms crossing the chest. The monks called called the breads "little arms" (bracellae). From this Latin word, the Germanic people later coined the term "pretzel."
Rice Krispies Hearts for Valentine’s Day 
This is the classic recipe, but molded into a heart-shaped muffin tin .
Roasted Chicken for Chinese New Year's Eve
Traditionally, the whole family gathers tonight to share a grand feast, usually a whole chicken or fish to symbolize family togetherness.
Seed Cake for Imbalc
This traditional Irish cake usually has caraway seeds, but I used poppy, black sesame, and flax.

Skordalia (Greek garlic-potato dip) for Clean Monday

I usually make Laguna, a simple Greek flat bread, on Clean Monday.  Today, though, I felt like trying a new (for me) Greek recipe often eaten during Lent. It's very spicy!
Smultringer, Norwegian donuts for Winter Solstice
These cake donuts are included as one of the seven Norwegian Christmas cookies (syv slag).

Tang yuan for the Chinese Lantern Festival
It is a tradition to eat these round sticky dumplings at the Lantern Festival to symbolize the full moon and also family togetherness.
Thandai for Maha Shivratri
Some Hindus observe a strict fast today, though many go on a diet of fruits and milk. This famous flavored milk is traditionally prepared to drink, and as an offering to Shiva.
Tyropita (Greek Cheese Pie) for Forgiveness Sunday
Forgiveness Sunday is also known as Cheesefare Sunday. Today is the last day that dairy products are permitted. Sweet or savory cheese pies are popular traditional Greek foods today.
Wassail for New Year's Eve
The wassail bowl is an old Gaelic tradition still observed in Scotland and Great Britain. The word wassail comes from the Old English wes hĂĄl, meaning to be whole, and it was a toast made at medieval feasts to welcome the guests. People would carry a bowl of hot cider or ale outdoors on New Year’s Eve to share with neighbors, and groups of wassailers would go door-to-door singing to get their bowls filled. Tons of different recipes abound, but I like this simple one.

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