December 29, 2017

Kwanzaa - Day Four

The fourth day of Kwanzaa is dedicated to the principle of ujamaa (oo-JAH-maah), cooperative economics- the idea that when we all work together, we all profit. Cooperative economics encourages us to meet our common needs by chipping in together. Imagine a world where everyone shares their wealth (even our government) and uses our economic strengths to make the world a better place!

1. Journal queries
2. Kwanzaa ceremony
3. Donation pledge

1. Journal queries:
Ujamaa is about generosity and integrity, sharing what I have- money or food or time- and weighing carefully the pros and cons for the community before buying things.

How can I put my money and energy to the best possible use in the service of the community?
What resources do I have that I could share?
What changes could I make in my buying habits?

2. Kwanzaa ceremony:
I light the black candle and the blue again, for the people, saying this affirmation:
I will work in unity with those within and without my circle.

Then I light the inside red candle, saying-
I will define myself, create for myself, and speak for myself. I will accomplish my dreams for the future.

Then I light the inside green candle, saying-
I will help my family and community solve problems by working cooperatively.

and another red candle, reciting this affirmation-
I will be generous with my resources, and have integrity with my buying habits.

3. Donation pledge:
On this day of Kwanzaa, I pledge to support community businesses, neighborhood stores, and local artists, and to boycott businesses that take from my community and give nothing back. Also, I remember that I need to share my wealth within my family and community, and respect the work done by others by compensating them fairly.
Today I look at my yearly budget and decide who to make donations to: My Friends Meeting, kids and schools, environmental groups, those who help the homeless.

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