February 28, 2022


Maslenitsa (масленица) is the oldest of all Russian holidays. It began as a spring equinox festival called Jarilo, named for the Slavic god of the vegetation and spring. Later it became a Christian holiday, starting on the Monday one week before the Eastern Orthodox Lent.

Maslenitsa is the Russian version of Carnival, with eating, drinking, sledding, games, and costume parades. Like many spring festivals it's a melding of Christianity and Earth Religion, and all of its events still focus on driving away the winter and re-awakening nature.

In Russia, Maslenitsa lasts the entire week, and ends with Forgiveness Sunday, the day before the start of Orthodox Lent, on Clean Monday (March 7 this year).

1. Make an effigy doll
2. Make blini pancakes
3. Have a fire
4. Spring cleaning

February 26, 2022

New Moon Retreat Day

The New Moon is next Wednesday, which is also the start of Lent, so I decided to slide into a new moon perspective early, because I've got more time for contemplation today.

1. Retreat Day
2. Choose a month theme 
3. Choose goals and set intentions

February 23, 2022

February Third Quarter Moon

Photo by Alan Gillespie
Today is the Third Quarter Moon: This waning moon energy is yin - quiet, internal, heart-driven, intentional Being-nessAt this phase we can ease off a bit on actively pursuing goals, slow down, go within, and attend to inner work and self-care.
Agenda today:
1. Renewal plan for next month
2. Evaluation House
3. Monthly journal brainstorm
4. Surrender, rest, recuperate

February 22, 2022

Pea Planting Day

Pea Planting Day is a special anniversary for us. February 22 is listed on my planting calendar as the first day to plant peas in the Willamette Valley; it also happens that this is the day W and I got engaged to each other, 46 years ago!

Peas are traditionally the first vegetable sown outside in the spring because they will germinate and grow in very cool soil. We plant peas today to ceremonially kick off the start of the planting season, and also to remind ourselves of the beginnings of our relationship; the day we decided to be together forever.

Agenda Today:
1. Prepare to plant
2. Pea planting ceremony
3. Permaculture pea tips
4. Our huge garden project update
5. Becoming Rooted Reading

February 20, 2022

Sabbath for Truth

Truth is a continual revelation, a constantly unfolding series of insights about how my mind works, how the world works, how other people view the world, and my role in all of that. The Light of Truth is what guides me, one step at a time, down my path.
I'm using Truth with a capitol T to mean that which is foundational: My values and principles, my world view, and leadings I have for action. It's a little unsettling that my foundation is always unfolding before me, like a foggy pathway, but also liberating because it means I don't need to have all the answers right now. I have faith that New Light will be given to me, because that has been my experience.

But careful: That doesn't mean that I can change my Truth - my foundational moral absolutes - whenever I fancy. I need to measure my New Light against that which I know to be true for me, to discern if this way forward is the right one.

If you have no moral absolutes then you will have no moral guidance, and will do whatever feels or seems right at the time and in that situation. This kind of “whatever feels good” mentality creates a society that regards all values, beliefs, lifestyles, and truth claims as equally valid.

At the same time, we need to acknowledge and accept that Truth is not the same for everyone, and learn how to listen to the Truth of others without getting angry or confused. And we need to accept that our own foundations change, as we grow and understand the world differently. 

We need to find a precarious and slippery balance between being open and welcoming, and resting in the strength of our convictions.

Sabbath Agenda:
1. Keeping the Sabbath
2. Read "Marking the Quaker Path"
3. Earth Quaker path
4. Journal queries
5. Zen housework and yard work
6. Moon Sharing

February 16, 2022

Full Snow Moon and Lantern Festival

Photo by Alan Gillespie

Tonight is the full moon called the Snow Moon; also called the Atchiulartadsh, or "Out of Food" moon by the local Kalapuya. 

We've not had any snow this month, and we are not out of food, but it is a lean time: Lean on light, barren garden beds, no excursions and not much social interaction.

Tonight is also Yuan Xiao, the 15th and last day of the Chinese New Year Festival. Yuan xiao means "first night", meaning the first time that the full moon is seen in the New Year. This festival's other name is the Lantern Festival, because folks will make or buy lanterns of all kinds - shaped like flowers, or boats, or birds; made of bamboo, silk or paper; decorated with paintings, embroidery, paper cuts, tassels, and fringe - and tonight everyone takes to the streets to display their lanterns. It’s like a carnival: Children dress in costumes and watch parades with lighted floats, fireworks displays, puppet shows, and dances.

We are now at the peak of the strong-energy yang phase of the waxing moon, and will soon begin the quiet-energy yin time of the waning moon. The February Full Moon is a good time to ponder what new seeds you want to invite into your life.

Agenda for today:
1. Vision walk
2. Celebrate receptivity
3. Gratitude practice
4. Make tang yuan, sweet dumplings
5. Hang a lantern
6. Riddle guessing

February 15, 2022

Nirvana Day

Today is Nirvana Day, the celebration of Buddha's death at the age of 80, at around 487 BCE. It's celebrated in East Asia on February 15th, or on February 8th by some.

Buddhists celebrate the date of the death of the Buddha, because death is when the soul is released from the body to experience Nirvana. The word Nirvana means "to extinguish", 

but it's really more of a transformation to a new kind of existence.

Nirvana is usually described as a state of bliss or peace, and a release from all physical suffering. The Buddha taught that Nirvana was beyond human imagination, and so speculation about what Nirvana is like is considered by some to be foolish.

Agenda for today:
1. Read the Buddha's teachings
2. Open to uncertainty
3. Bodhisattva practices
4. Eat a Buddha bowl

February 14, 2022

St. Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine was a third-century Roman Christian who died on February 14. The poet Geoffrey Chaucer and his circle probably invented many of the romantic legends about Saint Valentine, in the fourteenth century. 
Valentine made by a student of mine.
After that, it became a custom for a man to write a romantic poem to send to his beloved on St. Valentine's Day. Very fancy paper cards, with lace and ribbons, became popular in the 1840's, and that custom expanded into sending cards to Mom and Dad, and friends of all kinds.

Agenda today:
1. Brainstorm generosity practices
2. Make Valentines
3. Honor my friendships

February 13, 2022

February Sanctuary

A sanctuary is a sanctum, sacred and protected place of beauty, grace and refuge. Our home and garden is a sanctuary for body and soul; it embraces us and brings us back to center. When we take sanctuary, even for brief moments, we are re-created, recharged, healed, soothed, comforted and at peace.

This week I hope to continue to define and upgrade our sanctum; it's an ongoing discipline of inner work (seeking inspiration, and upgrading my habits) and projects (creating a place of peace that expresses who we are) .

1. Journal queries on home and family
2. House of Belief
3. Home simplicity
4. Our huge garden project
5. Teamwork and mental health

February 8, 2022

February First Quarter Moon

Photo by Alan Gillespie
At the First Quarter Moon we are one-quarter of the way through the moon cycle. The moon is waxing - growing in light and energy, creating a time for decisive action. Kiki Ely, in her book Living Lunerly, says, "A good way to remember this is by looking at the perfect line of shadow down the moon's center: this is the moment to draw a firm line, boundary, or decision in your life and stick to it."

I use this February quarter moon's energy to actively gather in and nurture all the seeds of projects, relationships, and organizations that are under my care; I use obstacles as fuel for growth and show full effort for my priorities. 

1. Journal queries
2. Make a Full Effort Plan
3. Write a mission haiku

February 6, 2022

St. Dorothy's Day

St. Dorothy lived in Caesarea in central Turkey, around the year 313 AD. She was tried for refusing to worship idols, and a mocking lawyer asked her to send him fruit from the garden of Paradise. In response to her prayer, an angel appeared and presented three roses and three apples.

"And then said the holy virgin with a glad semblant: Do to me what torment thou wilt, for I am all ready to suffer it for the love of my spouse Jesu Christ, in whose garden full of delices I have gathered roses, spices, and apples."

Because of this, she is the patron of gardeners. Also of brides, and brewers.

Agenda Today:
1. Garden journal queries
2. Garden visualization & plan
3. Apple Tree goodbye ceremony
4. Work outside!

February 5, 2022

Vasant Panchami

Today is the first day of spring in India; Vasant means "spring" and Panch means "fifth", and it is celebrated on the fifth day after the new moon in January or February.

Vasant Panchami is also the birthday of Saraswati, the Hindu Goddess of education, learning, and the fine arts. Folks all over India take part in art and painting competitions, poetry recitations, and music festivals today. Students will take a break from studying, and put their books on the altar to be blessed.

Agenda today:
1. Look for signs of spring
2. Make a rangoli
3. Start a new project
4. Make moong dal (yellow lentils)

February 2, 2022

February Thoughts

February is a month of expectation and quiet growth. The grey veil of winter is still in place, but tinged with pink around the edges and exciting with potential. My dreams may still be dormant, but I can feel them swelling, ready to burst into bloom. I have great hopes for this spring!

The cold, wet days of February are perfect for prayer, reading, writing, contemplation of the deep questions of life, and listening for leadings and inspirations. It's time, though, to step out of the cloister a little and gently re-enter the world of personal relationships. In February I consider love, family, and friendships, as well as self-love and care.

February is also a time of clearing away the excess to make room for growth. I prune my trees, I prune out clutter in my home, and in my heart and my mind. The weather can be frustrating, though; I long to get outside to dig and to feel the sun! I need patience - I know the seeds are growing underground and the ideas are growing in my heart - warmth and sustenance will bring the growth I want.

1. Love intentions
2. February queries
3. Every day love rituals:
4. Home simplicity

February 1, 2022

Chinese New Year and Imbalc (melded)

Today is Imbalc (pronounced Im-molc), the Celtic Sabbat that falls between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It's celebrated sometime around the first of February, as the "beginning of the end" of winter. Imbalc means surrounding belly- the Earth Mother’s womb; soon the seeds in the womb of the earth will begin to swell and creative forces will begin to come alive in the world.

And it's also the Chinese New Year, which starts when the new moon appears in China (one day off from the new moon here, which rose yesterday). This is the month of the Holiday Moon and the year of the Tiger! The first day of the Chinese New Year is called Yüan-tan, the "Day of Origin". This one day determines the luck for the entire year, so Chinese people are careful to use their best manners and to remain honest and peaceful.

Agenda for today: 
1. Eat jai for breakfast
2. Give gifts
3. Make and give hóngbāo (money packets)
4. Creativity Altar
5. Write my seeds of inspiration
6. Seed blessing ceremony
7. Make a Brigid's Cross
8. Have a fire