I have a leading; a leading is a Quaker term that means I'm called by God to do something. My leading is personal and specific and mind-boggling: I'm called to find spiritual unity with Nature.
Unity is how we Quakers talk about our process of community discernment: In Meetings for Business we take a step beyond consensus to find spiritual unity. We have an immense belief in the reality of continued revelation - that God will give us new Light if we wait for it. God leads everyone present in unity.
My inner voice keeps saying, "Why would we not invite Nature to be present?"
I hold that the Earth and every part of it is a living being, a spiritual being; and also that we humans are an integral part of Nature. Seeking unity with all of Creation puts us back on equal footing.
How could this kind of Earth Unity be practiced by a community of seekers?
Howard Brinton explained that since there is but one Light and one Truth, if the Light be faithfully followed, unity will result. He stated that the nearer the members of a group come to this one Light, the nearer they will be to one another, “as the spokes of a wheel approach each other as they near the center.”
I believe that if we allow Nature to be a spoke on our wheel, to have a voice in our circle, and we listen as best we can to what she is saying, we will be better able to discern God's will.
1. Worship in discernment with the Earth
2. Season with nature
3. Take action
4. Read "The Earth path"