My theme for Lent this year is Being Rooted in Creation: Being rooted means I have a secure sense of who I am and where I belong; I am firmly planted, sunk in, feet on the ground, and the earth is steady. Roots are our connection to the deeper places in our souls, to the past, and to the land we live on.
To be rooted means I belong here, strong and grounded in Love, Truth, and Creation, solidly living in the Now, connected to the Divine Whole, and radiant in peace, in health and resilience. It means I belong in my home, my family, and in my community, I'm integrated and whole.
At Lent I allow myself to be slow, simple, and thoughtful. I spend time each day in focused study and prayer. This Lent, I plan to study nature like I would prepare to visit a foreign country - learn the language of my bird and plant neighbors, and continue to explore my relationship to the natural world, the cycles of the seasons, and the history, culture, and ecosystem of my valley.
And I also observe Lent as a time of creative action, acting on my leading to become more rooted in Creation with small and large actions at home and in my community, and by sharing Medicine Art projects with my grandson and others.
My intentions this year are to:
- Read and Journal: I intend to learn more about the nature in my own backyard, starting with a dive into various web sites, and will also keep a daily nature journal with notes about the weather and things I notice.
Explore resilience practices: I'm also reading from the book, "101 Mindful Ways to Build Resilience," by Donald Altman, which offers simple ideas for being more rooted in my body and mind.
- Take creative action: In the weeks of Lent, I intend to act on my leading to become more rooted in Creation by
- Tending my garden (and letting it tend me)
- Building habitat for plant and animal people
- Supporting and working directly on campaigns to defend the environment
- Witnessing to others with writing, talking, and artwork.
- Fast: This year, like last year, I intend to fast from all new single-use plastic, and continue to experiment with plastic alternatives. I'm also going to witness to why plastic production is so dangerous, and why we need to slow it down.