April 4, 2015

Full Hare Moon

Tonight is the full moon, which is my monthly time for action and release: I look again at the “seeds of intention” I planted 2 weeks ago at the new moon and decide on my next steps to take; I take those steps; then I release my expectations in order to clear space for new ideas and new intentions.

This moon is called the Hare Moon, because this is the month when rabbits leap and play and mate. April is spring; the yellows and violets of March explode into all the amazing colors of the rainbow: orange tulips, pink azaleas, lilacs, fresh green, and the 'blue true dream of sky'.

This month I celebrate life and love, and affirm my sensuality and my wild nature! I am ready to give myself passionately to life, refreshed and renewed. I'm ready to say YES with vigor, and enjoy the surprises, confusion, and chaos that life brings. 

At the same time, I want to find a happy balance- Somewhere between emptiness and chaos is the state of JUST ENOUGH. Balance is about knowing what I really want out of my life, making a commitment, and sticking to it. It’s an ongoing dynamic process, a balancing act!

Agenda for today:
1. Altar:
It's time to discern what to put on my altar for April. (For my thoughts on altars see About Altars). I generally keep it simple and choose only things that speak to me and feed me, and reveal what I believe in. I ask, what quality of Spirit do I want to invoke? 

I have already set out eggs for hope and new beginnings, and the palm cross to remind me to be reborn each day. Today I add- 
  • a carved soapstone dove for peace
  • a golden candle for balance in the center
Each month at the full moon I put a motto or quote on my altar, to ponder. This month- my favorite spring poem:

i thank You God for most this amazing

day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun’s birthday; this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings:and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing

breathing any–lifted from the no
of all nothing–human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and

now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

e.e. cummings

2. Journal:
Review the intentions I set 2 weeks ago, at the new moon. 

Do these goals all still seem vital? What are my next steps?
How might I find greater peace on my path? 
How might I find greater balance?

3. Practice at my theme:
My theme this month is balance- the balance of concentration and mindfulness, action and study, social and alone time, yearning and resistance. My intentions:
  • Practice my tai chi.
  • Look for new ways to share my celebrations socially.
  • Seek clarity in the chaos.
  • Allow myself to flow with coming changes (it's an adventure, not a disruption.) 
  • Connect to the Spirit outside myself and within.
  • Notice (again) how satisfying it is just to be alive!
4. Take Action:
The full moon is a time to celebrate life, stay up late, see friends, exercise harder, and be more creative and outgoing. The crazy full moon energy builds and builds; it’s best to acknowledge it so it doesn’t throw me off balance. This surge of energy allows me to take action on intentions I set two weeks ago. Today I will plan the steps to take to complete some projects.

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