December 30, 2016

Kwanzaa- Day Five

The fifth day of Kwanzaa is dedicated to the principle of nia (NEE-ah), which is purpose. Purpose allows me to dream of the best future, to look within and set personal goals that are beneficial to me, my family, and my community.

1. Journal:
Two days left of 2016; it's time to see it out, and welcome in the New Year! This is an introspective time- standing at the door of the year, looking backward and forward. It's my habit to reflect on the past and also to ponder the year ahead- consider my true purpose, envision hopes for myself, and resolve to improve my way of life.

Today I will write a summery of the past year- the general tone, highlights, good memories and bad memories, friendships, challenges, successes, and adventures; also, write about my purpose, my life mission, and my intentions for the year ahead-

What are my hopes for the future? 
What might give my life more wholeness? 
What are my next steps in life?
Imagine accomplishing my goals; how do they benefit my family and community?

2. Finish old business and prepare for the New Year:
This is the traditional time to complete and tie the old year closed in order to allow the New Year to start fresh: Finish old projects and old business, pay debts, make apologies, call neglected friends, and return borrowed items.

My list is short this year:
  1. Visit one or two friends.
  2. Send a few final cards.
  3. Prepare for next week's art classes.
  4. Send a challenge letter to Geico. 
3. Make New Year's resolutions:
Make important New Year’s resolutions that speak to my purpose. Tips: 
  • Start early: If I wait until the last minute, my resolutions will be based only on my mind-set that particular day. 
  • Be realistic. Set small, clearly defined goals that will be possible to accomplish. Also, limit the number to two or three at the most.
  • Make a plan: Consider how I will stick to it. Experts say it takes about 21 days for a new activity to become a habit, and 6 months for it to become part of my personality.
  • Talk about it: Don't keep my resolutions a secret. Tell at least a couple people what I am planning, and ask if they will check up on my progress.
  • Write about my motivations: A few weeks in to the New Year it will be very helpful to read and remember why I thought these resolutions were such a good idea. 
4. Kwanzaa ceremony:
Today I light the black candle and the purple, 2 inside red candles, and 2 inside green candles. Then I recite this affirmation-
I have great hope, and a reason for everything I do. I will set goals that add to the good and beauty of the world.

5. Purpose project: 
I like to make my goals visible, so I made this collage postcard of my resolutions to pin to my bulletin board.

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