February 18, 2018

2018 Lent Calendar, Week 2

My theme for Lent this year is Mindful Contribution. I've been working at being more mindful-- being aware of how my thoughts wander, feeling grateful and savoring life, showing greater compassion, and expressing all of that with kindness, engagement, and contribution. It's a pretty fuzzy effort, easy to forget about or minimize, especially when I get busy.

As a symbol of that goal, I plan to fast from screentime at mealtime. I will eat each of my meals in a more meditative way- saying a prayer, giving attention to the food, perhaps writing a letter or writing in my journal, talking to my family, or reading something contemplative.

I'm also going to continue to explore social justice issues, and take some compassionate actions. I'll do a little study, prayer, journaling, artwork, or action each day... I don't know how this will evolve, but it will be revealed to me, week by week!

February 18, 1st Sunday of Lent and Forgiveness Sunday:
-Journal queries on Equality
Do I regularly examine myself for evidence of privilege and prejudice?
What am I doing to overcome the contemporary effects of past and present oppression?
How do I avoid being drawn into violent reactions against those who are destructive of human dignity? 
Do I reach out to the violator as well as the violated with courage and love?

February 19, Clean Monday:
-Prayer of Cleansing:

I Cleanse My Soul- Author Unknown 

I cleanse my soul in the dews of spring,
Light of mind's refreshing dew
Love of heart's renewing dew,
Life being's restoring dew,

Cleanse and recreate my soul this night.
May the souls of all beings be
Peacefully preserved
From fall of night
Till day's dear light.

February 20:
February 21:
February 22, Pea Planting Day:
-Plant a prayer
“When it comes to the practice of heart prayer, give up all concerns about success or failure. What you are doing in these times is planting prayer within yourself so that it will be there the rest of the day. It is very much indeed about planting a seed in the ground. You just put it there and let it take its natural course. Don’t keep digging it up to see how it is growing. Don’t try to manipulate or control it; just notice it, appreciate it. Entrust its care to God.” – Gerald May, The Awakened Heart

February 23:
February 24:

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