February 22, 2018

Pea Planting Day

Pea Planting Day is a special anniversary for us. 
February 22 is listed on my planting calendar as the first day to plant peas in the Willamette Valley; it also happens that this is the day W and I got engaged to each other, 42 years ago!

Peas are traditionally the first vegetable sown outside in the spring because they will germinate and grow in very cool soil. We plant peas today to ceremonially kick off the start of the planting season, and also to remind ourselves of the beginnings of our relationship; the day we decided to be together forever.

Agenda Today:
1. Plant a prayer
2. Pea Planting Ceremony

1. Plant a prayer:
For Lent I've been practicing being more contemplative at my mealtimes, and sometimes saying a prayer, which I'm admittedly not very good at. I like this quote from Gerald May, The Awakened Heart:“When it comes to the practice of heart prayer, give up all concerns about success or failure. What you are doing in these times is planting prayer within yourself so that it will be there the rest of the day. It is very much indeed about planting a seed in the ground. You just put it there and let it take its natural course. Don’t keep digging it up to see how it is growing. Don’t try to manipulate or control it; just notice it, appreciate it. Entrust its care to God.”

2. Pea Planting Ceremony:
We usually get our share of rain in February, but very rarely snow!

I always turn the pea bed earlier, to be ready. As I turn the soil in the pea bed, I remember that plowing is a sacred act of connection to the Earth Spirit. 

We plant the peas as an offering to the earth, and an offering to our relationship. We also drink a little wine and spill some on the ground, to bless the soil.

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