July 27, 2018

Full Thunder Moon

Tonight is the full moon called the Thunder Moon. 
July days have the humming energy of a summer storm. The sun is at the peak of it's power, lighting all corners with its radiance, and burning away all non-essentials. It's a month of passion and activity: I'm challenged to stretch, and try new, uncomfortable things. My life expands; my thoughts become clear. I am primed for success.

Agenda for today:
1. Update my altar
2. Journal queries
3. Integrity practices
1. Update my altar:
It's time to discern what to put on my altar for the next four weeks. (For my thoughts on altars see About Altars). I generally keep it simple and choose only things that speak to me and feed me, and reveal what I believe in. I ask, what quality of Spirit do I want to invoke? I will keep from last month:
  • a sun- for clarity and yang energy.
  • a conch shell- for the ocean, and to awaken my heart to Truth.
  • a soapstone dog, for vigilance, and to remind me to stay loyal to my pack.

Today I add-
  • a red candle, for fire, passion, and integrity.
  • a rainbow photo, to remind me to follow my heart, and keep promises to myself, and a quote to remind me that rainbows come with storms.
  • a soapstone cat- for intuition, and to remind me to be flexible in my thinking
2. Journal queries:
Do I keep my word, follow through with my responsibilities, speak truth, and show loyalty? What can I improve?

Review the intentions I set 2 weeks ago, at the new moon.
Do these aims all still seem vital?
What are my next steps?
How can I find the passion to be persistent?

3. Integrity practices:
My theme this month is integrity- Integrity is the quality of being whole and undivided, and acting promptly on my beliefs. When I am honest and loyal, my integrity lights the dark places of life, and like the farmer, I know that the Light brings my harvest. 

This month I'll think about how to improve my level of honesty and loyalty, raise energy for responsible action, and get more recognition for the work I do. My intentions are to:
  • Monitor my procrastination.
  • Work at building better habits.
  • Express my opinions in a kind and creative way.
  • Simplify my house even more!
  • Choose to be patient, unruffled, grounded, and fearless.

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