August 11, 2018

Hungry Ghost New Moon, or Ghost Gate

The Chinese call the seventh new moon the Hungry Ghost Moon, or "Ghost Gate". This whole month is called Ghost Month, and special ceremonies take place today, and on the full moon, and again on the last day of the month. 
The Hungry Ghosts are depicted with huge, round bellies, large mouths, and very thin necks. This day is called Ghost Gate because today the Hungry Ghosts are let out of hell to roam the earth, looking for entertainment and seeking out their enemies.

Hungry Ghosts have two manifestations- they are the spirits of unhappy, homeless souls, but also we have our inner Hungry Ghosts, our unhealthy cravings and insatiable greeds, that are always hungry and never satisfied.

Agenda for Today:
1. Journal queries
2. New Moon meditation
3. Ghost Gate ceremony
4. Plan small steps

1. Journal queries:
The new moon is my monthly time for “seeding” intentions. I write down what I hope to focus on in the next 30 days or so, and then give my ideas a period of gestation, like seeds in the soil, before I take action. Having this regular time each month to focus my goals has helped to give me clarity of purpose.

What might give my life more wholeness?
What am I hungry for?
Which of my cravings are unhealthy? Am I ready and able to release them?
What are my next steps in life?

List my intentions for the next four weeks in these areas-
Self, Friends and Family, Teaching, Artwork, Writing, Home and Garden, Work/Business, and Volunteer work.

2. New Moon Meditation:

Light a small white candle. Center, and feel myself fill with thankfulness for all I have now in my life.Repeat this every morning until the candle is burned down.
3. Ghost Gate Ceremony:
Today, at the Ghost Gate, I light incense for my unknown ancestors and all the other wandering souls. I'm not afraid that they will attack me, but I think the least I can do is take a moment to send peaceful wishes.

After I've said a little prayer to those Hungry Ghosts, I think a moment about my inner hungry ghosts-- the cravings I have for comfort, cookies, and getting my way in life. As the incense burns, I picture my greediness floating away.

4. Plan small steps:
As the moon waxes, I expand-- plant seeds, make connections, and begin new projects. Today I will plan my first small steps.

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