June 4, 2021

Waning Crescent

The waning crescent moon is the final phase of the Peony Moon cycle. The next new moon, in four days, will be the Dragon Moon cycle. At the new moon I'll set my intentions for the month ahead.

But right now, at the waning crescent, it's time to evaluate and brainstorm, find purpose, and surrender. I'll open to curiosity and attention, contemplate what I might want in the 30 days ahead, and rest up for the move back into yang-action modeThese next few days are a chance to look back and look forward, and think about the big picture of my life.

1. Evaluation Wheel:
Today I get to reflect back on the whole lunar cycle that I've just passed through. I review the intentions I set at the start of the cycle and list what I've accomplished, what I want to still act on, what has become irrelevant or didn't go as planned.

I drew an evaluation wheel with my 6 priority areas. Inside the wheel I listed the things I completed in each area, and underneath the wheel I listed the things I moved forward to the next month, and the things I dropped or changed my goal for.

2. Review my purpose:
My purpose right now is to love and serve my family and my community (learning greater equanimity and compassion); lead a simple life of integrity (caring for the earth and working to become anti-racist); and be a creative force in the world (expressing myself with my writing, art, and actions).
3. Review my priorities:
I have lots of things in lots of categories that I do every day, but which of those are priorities now in my life? I only have so much time each day, so I hope to give priority to the activities and people that matter most to me right now. 

My priorities are fluid; they change with the seasons and with my responsibilities. I like to review them monthly, before the new moon. Today ask myself:
-Which of my priorities have gotten the least attention this last month and why? 
-What seasonal focus and upcoming events are priorities now?
-What are my important responsibilities this month?
-What upcoming activities give me the biggest rewards?
-What would I do this month if I knew I only had 6 months to live?
-What activities best support my beliefs and values?
-Where do my strengths lie?


After some thought, this is my slate of priorities: 
  • Career is my teaching and work tasks: I need to get clear on how much work I need and want as I move into retirement.
  • Creativity is my writing, arts, and crafts: Keep it up!
  • Health is exercise, eating right, etc: I'm losing weight.
  • Heart is friends and family: How many social gatherings can I tolerate?
  • Service is my committees and activism: Wow. I'm going to need to slow this down just a little...
  • Learning is all the topics I'm studying: I'm going to finish my Joy book and find a new one on the topic of Abundance, for morning reading.
  • Home is all the tasks I do to create sanctuary in my home: My big focus now is gardening and outdoor painting.
4. Monthly journal brainstorm:
At the new moon this week I will transition from a focus on joy to a focus on abundance, gratitude, and service.

Today I will write down my goals, dreams, and exciting ideas for the next 30-days; just write lists of ideas without judgement - put down everything I think I should do, everything I really want to do, and everything I only dream of doing. Include these broad categories:

            -Self-care and life-style

            -Love, social skills, friends and family

            -Career/work and life path

            -Creativity and self-expression

            -Activism and service

            -Stillness, knowledge, skills and growth

            -Home and garden

            -Seasons and celebration

5. Surrender, rest, recuperate: 
This next few days is a time to be empty; the time for striving is past. As the moon’s light fades into darkness I get to relax and surrender to the universe. 

Some things will always be out of my control. As the moon's appearance dwindles, I let go of useless beliefs, unreasonable expectations, grudges, defensiveness, projects that don't fit into my life, and anything else that isn't working for me. I turn these all over to the Divine and give thanks, my way of opening to receive new intentions in the new month.

Then I give myself permission to rest! 

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