June 28, 2021

Waning Gibbous Moon

Now the moon is waning - getting smaller - until it is new again. During the waning moon, the moon's energy changes, and we move gradually into the yin phase - slow down, go within, and focus on inner work. I back off a bit on actively pursuing my goals, and allow the ease of being a loving, thoughtful person to carry me towards my dreams.

The waning gibbous moon is a time to practice opening to receive blessings, feeling and expressing gratitude, and generosity with giving (towards others AND with myself).

Agenda today:
1. Journal queries:
2. Generosity Practices:
2. Gratitude Journal

1. Journal queries:
During the waning moon, journaling takes on a new importance. I'm engaged in inner work, and journalling is one way I access my Inner Guide. I especially want to focus on my theme for the month, so I ask myself today: 
In what areas of my life do I want to be more open and accepting of opportunities? What blessings am I seeking?
How can I become better organized with my finances?  
How can I be more generous with my time and my help? And how can I create a habit of easy-going open-handedness?

2. Generosity Practices: 
Every month after the full moon I take some time to plan ways I can be more generous with my time and attention. I start with ideas for being generous with myself, then my household, my family, my neighborhood, community, and the earth. I might decide to give money or a gift, or simple acts of helping and sharing my time. This week I plan to:
  1. Work on a busy board gift for our grandson
  2. Open our home as a family cooling station.
  3. Share vegetables and eggs with friends and family
  4. Work on an Earthcare Newsletter for my community
When I'm motivated by the desire to give, just the intention to offer my help, and my willingness to listen, will begin to lessen suffering in the world.

2. Gratitude Journal:
The work of intentional Being, rather than Doing, is life changing! When I slow down I can see what my hard work has produced in the world and in myself, and I have the leisure to notice, absorb, and expand. 

I have not been able to keep a gratitude journal with any continuity - I get bored and it becomes a chore. But I CAN remind myself once a month of all I feel grateful for. Today I will write a few new entries (probably focused on my grandson!) When I remember to feel grateful for my blessings, my days take on a different tone: I have more vigor, optimism, compassion, and peace. By noticing how I am blessed, my impatience decreases and I realize how satisfied and fulfilled I really am.

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