April 23, 2024

Full Hare Moon

Tonight is the full moon; this one is called amanta kotantal or "Time for pounding camus" by the Kalapuya of my area, and the Hare Moon by others, because it's the month when rabbits leap and play and mate.

Carmella and Toffee
We are now at the peak of the strong-energy yang phase of the waxing moon, and will soon begin the shift to the quiet-energy yin time of the waning moon. 

Agenda today:
. Take a vision walk
2. Read "Writing and Being"
3. Celebrate joy
5. Balance Walk

1Take a vision walk:
The full moon shines a bright light on everything, and I might experience intuitive and creative breakthroughs. I might be shocked by the clarity of my insights. I might see some ugliness - the full moon illuminates all the things I've left in the shadows, some heavy truths and some embarrassing mistakes.

Today I'm going to settle in to silence and access my intuitive mind - my connection to the Creator and the Inner Guide - by putting myself into a relaxed, trance-like state, and seeking a leading of the spirit with an open mind and heart.

Today I call on the Spirit of Light to guide me, bring me clarity and open my eyes. What is the Truth that is coming into focus for me now? 
What is a story of joy that I like to relive?
How do I invite contentment and/or playfulness into my days? What does play look like for me?
What are the routines or prompts that bring me to an awareness of appreciation for life (and out of discontent)? 
2. Read "Writing and Being":
I'm reading from a book that has been sitting my shelf for a few years, "Writing and Being: Embracing Your Life Through Creative Journaling," by G. Lynn Nelson (2004).

I'm on chapter four: Letting Go. "Our days are filled with moments and images that hurt and sadden us -- and with contrasting moments and images that comfort and sustain us." 

This journal exploration asks me to attend to both kinds of images, and collect them in my journal - both the things that bother me, and those that give me hope.

Then write a poem contrasting those moments. Write without telling but just use the images.

3. Celebrate Joy:
My theme ​this month ​is Joycontentment, serenity, and living with a wide-open, unbiased attitude of appreciation for life. A childlike quality of joy supports my spontaneous, innovative, creative spirit.

Most of us would say that we don't regularly feel joyful; it seems like such a big emotion. Joy comes in little splashes that come and go so fast we hardly recognize them. But when I invite those moments, and relish them -- like being invited to dance with my grandson ("Dance, Grandma!") and letting loose to "Who Let the Dogs Out" -- and then I relive that feeling by telling the story - that moment of joy stays with me, and carries me a long way.

Today I remind myself of my intentions for the month, and then celebrate my accomplishments and reaffirm this theme for the next two weeks. Each month I choose a different way to celebrate the full moon, and today I am ready to celebrate joy in these ways:
  1. Start an online course - Awakening the Dreamer - to "take an honest look at the challenging state of the world, reflect, and discover opportunities to create a new future where you have a key role to play."
  2. Happy library story-time with Artie, and food carts with both boys.
  3. Coax boys outside to put paint on the sunflower mural.

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