March 4, 2018

3rd Sunday of Lent

I've been thinking about what stops me from taking action today in my community. I've certainly taken some steps forward in the last year for peace and justice: I've gone to rallies, served food to the hungry, helped to build a house for Habitat for Humanity, collected clothing to donate, studied issues, written letters, and spoken out. But I want to do more. What am I afraid of?

Agenda Today:

1. Study
2. Queries on Fear and Courage

1. Study:
Excerpts from the North Pacific Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice:

“Be not afraid” is a phrase that appears frequently in the Bible and still speaks to us today. When those in power use fear to manipulate and control, causing abuse, violence, and oppression, it can be challenging for us to live and act in accord with Quaker values. Living in a time of fear can corrode our ability to listen and respond to the Spirit."

"Fear—and the sense of vulnerability it often brings—can separate us from each other and from God. It can cloud our judgment and diminish our abilities to discern, learn, and grow. As each of us grows in the Spirit, we are called to let go of our fears: of making mistakes; of not being approved of; of needs going unmet; of conflict, illness, loneliness, and diminishment; and of not being perfect (or even good enough). We cannot avoid our fears by attempting to control people to make things turn out the way we want."

"Living in the Spirit within a supportive, faithful fellowship gives us courage and guidance to let our lives speak, even when we are afraid, and helps us turn toward each other and toward the Light. When fear threatens our resolve, God’s love comforts and strengthens us. When we trust our Inner Guide, we can walk through our fears and come out in love." 

2. Queries on Fear and Courage:
How does fear influence our lives? Are our decisions based on fear, or do we trust the Spirit’s urging toward love and reconciliation? 

How do we let go of our fears, trusting the Spirit, so that we can restore peace in our meetings and communities?

Do we encourage each other through love to act in faithful witness? How do we identify and confront fears that deceive, enslave, and stop us from living faithfully?

In times of trial and terror how can we open our hearts, return to God’s love, and move forward with courage?

What would we do, as individuals and as a community, if we were not afraid?

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