March 5, 2018

2018 Lent Calendar, Week 4

My theme for Lent this year is Mindful Contribution. I've been working at being more mindful-- being aware of how my thoughts wander, feeling grateful and savoring life, showing greater compassion, and expressing all of that with kindness, engagement, and contribution. It's a pretty fuzzy effort, easy to forget about or minimize, especially when I get busy.

As a symbol of that goal, I plan to fast from screentime at mealtime. I will eat each of my meals in a more meditative way- saying a prayer, giving attention to the food, perhaps writing a letter or writing in my journal, talking to my family, or reading something contemplative.

I'm also going to continue to explore social justice issues, and take some compassionate actions. I'll do a little study, prayer, journaling, artwork, or action each day... I don't know how this will evolve, but it will be revealed to me, week by week!

March 4, 3rd Sunday of Lent:
-Queries on Fear and Courage:
How does fear influence our lives? Are our decisions based on fear, or do we trust the Spirit’s urging toward love and reconciliation? 

How do we let go of our fears, trusting the Spirit, so that we can restore peace in our meetings and communities?

Do we encourage each other through love to act in faithful witness? How do we identify and confront fears that deceive, enslave, and stop us from living faithfully?

In times of trial and terror how can we open our hearts, return to God’s love, and move forward with courage?

What would we do, as individuals and as a community, if we were not afraid?

March 5:
March 6:
March 7:

March 8, International Women's Day:
Overcome any bitterness that may have come
because you were not up to the magnitude of the pain
that was entrusted to you.
Like the Mother of the World,
Who carries the pain of the world in her heart,
Each one of us is part of her heart,
And therefore endowed
With a certain measure of cosmic pain.

-Sufi master Pir Vilayat Khan

March 9: 
-Mindful crafting:
I've wanted to start a project that is mindful and meditative for Lent, but so far it hasn't happened. Today I came upon this nice list of possibilities at the Pop Craft website:

  • Coloring (like adult coloring books)
  • Origami
  • Weaving (on a small loom)
  • Carving a relief print 
  • Mosaics
  • Pottery
  • Embroidery (my addition)
Now I've got a plan, but it's a birthday gift, so I can't post it yet!

March 10:

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