March 20, 2018

Spring Equinox and Nowruz

Spring Equinox occurred this morning at 3:15 a.m. PDT. The word equinox comes from the Latin words aequus (equal) and nox (night). This is a moment of balance- the sun rises exactly in the east, and sets exactly in the west, and we experience twelve hours each of light and dark. From this moment on, we gain more light each day, until the summer solstice.

Nowruz is the Persian New Year, which begins each year at the Spring Equinox and is celebrated in Iran for two weeks. The word Nowruz means New Day in Persian. It’s an ancient Persian belief that creation of the world took place on the first day of spring.

Agenda Today:
1. Journal queries
2. Start spring cleaning
3. Plant my straw doll
4. Prepare the sabzeh
5. Dye a few eggs
6. Make Koloocheh Cookies
7. Set up a haft sin
8. Nowruz Ceremony

1. Journal queries:
Consider the balance in my life.
How well do I balance my physical, mental, and spiritual needs?

How can I balance my personal needs with my commitments to the outside world? 
How do I balance my Being-ness (mindful, compassionate, grateful) with my Doing (engaged, kind,and giving)?

Think also of the balance in the world; meditate upon what this half of the year will bring, dark and light, and how best I can take right action in the world.

2. Start Spring Cleaning: 
For the past three months I have been keeping the house basically clean, and doing a few extra cleaning projects when I have the time. In January I cleaned mold and mildew. In February I did some clearing of clutter. 

Now it's spring, my traditional time to clean deeply. As I begin this process, I consider the symbolism of the cluttered and dirty areas of my home: 

  • If my desk is messy, is my thinking confused? 
  • Does ancient food on the kitchen shelves connect to undernourishment of my spirit? 
  • Do dirty windows block my view of the celebration of life?
  • Do cluttered closets point to activities in my life that need reorganizing or recycling?
Today I will make a plan, and schedule one big-cleaning focus each day. Each day I will put on some fun, lively music, set a timer for two hours, open the windows and doors, and let the sweet green aroma of spring enter our home. I will work for my allotted time each day, and then stop.
  • Today- Clean the woodwork: Scrub around doorknobs, clean the outside of cabinets.
  • Wednesday- Clean the floors: Move and clean under furniture; vacuum and mop. 
  • Thursday- Clean the windows: Clean inside and out and wash the curtains.
  • FridayClear surfaces and decorate for spring: Put away all the winter decorations and knick-knacks; put out green and yellow cloths and candles, a big vase of spring flowers, and set out my nests, birds, and bunnies.
After a thorough cleaning, we will feel the fragrance of springtime throughout the house, and I will also get the cobwebs out of my head! What a perfect way to celebrate the season- my house, my family and I myself deserve this kind of loving attention.

3. Plant my straw doll:

Each fall I make a corn or straw doll. This year I made this simple straw doll on the autumn equinox, and she has been sitting on my altar ever since.

The custom in Europe was to make a straw figure out of the last sheaf of wheat that was harvested, so the spirit of the grain had a place to live through the winter. Then it was planted again in the spring... so today I will plant my doll, along with some peas.

4. Prepare the sabzeh: 
The sabzeh is a shallow bowl of sprouts, a symbol of new life. Lentils or wheat are traditional, but I used grass seed this year. Today I will wrap the sprouts up with a red ribbon. 

5. Dye a few eggs: 
Yep, colored eggs are a traditional part of Nowruz. The favorite colors are red, green and yellow, but all colors are used. 

6. Make Koloocheh Cookies:
Koloocheh is a Persian cookie with a rich date and walnut filling, baked for special occasions. 

  • 3-1/2 c. flour
  • 1/8 tsp. each baking soda and powder
  • 1 tsp. cumin
  • 2/3 c. unsalted butter
  • 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1/2 c. water,
  • 1/4 c. rosewater
  • 2 Tbsp. honey
  • 2 c. pitted dates
  • 1 c. walnuts
  • 2 Tbsp. tahini
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1. Combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, and cumin; whisk together. Make a well, and add unsalted butter and vegetable oil; mix well with your hands. 

2. Add water, rosewater, and honey. Continue to knead for 5 minutes, then cover with plastic and rest 20 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, make the filling: Combine pitted dates, walnuts, tahini, and cinnamon, and blend in a blender to make a paste. 

4. Oil and flour a pan. Preheat oven to 350° F. 

5. Divide the dough into 8 parts. Pat each ball of dough into a flat disk and put a scoop of filling in the center. 

Fold the edges over and pat it closed. 

    6. Press each cookie flat with a plate or a cookie stamp,

    and poke a few holes with a chop stick.

    7. Place on the pan, brush with oil, and bake 25-30 minutes. 

    7. Set up a haft sin:
    A few days before Noruz every household spreads a tablecloth on the carpet or table called the Sofreh-e Haft Sin, or Cloth of Seven Dishes.

    Traditionally the cloth is white, but we use an appliqued cloth that my art class students have been making. We were inspired by Persian embroidered suzani, and we work on it a little each year.

    After we spread the suzani out on the table, we have a hunt to find the symbolic items to put on the haft sin table- including seven bowls filled with seven symbolic foods, each beginning with the Persian letter sheen.
    • Sharab- wine, for happiness
    • Shakar- sugar, for sweetness
    • Shir- milk, for nourishment
    • Shireh- fruit syrup (usually grape), for vigor
    • Shahd- honey, for productive teamwork
    • Shirini- candy, more sweetness
    • Shir berenj- rice pudding, for health
    Other symbols of spring are also placed on the table; each family has its own traditions, but the common items are: 
    Haft sin from 2016
    • Sabzeh sprouts, for new life
    • mirror to reflect the images of creation 
    • candle for each child, to represent wisdom and happiness 
    • Holy Book or book of poetry
    • Spring flowers 
    • Colored eggs, for fruitfulness 
    • Coins, for prosperity 
    • Rose water for healing 
    • Cookies for a sweet life
    8. Nowruz Ceremony:
    Family and friends gather to wait for the Nowruz ceremony, which traditionally happens at the exact moment of the equinox. Everyone greets each other with "Nowruz Mubarak!" - Happy New Day! 

    Next the oldest person holds up a mirror and each person looks into the mirror and smiles. The mirror is for reflecting a person's past, and reminding a person to reflect on future goals and pledges. In Zoroastrian theology, the soul receives a reflection of a person's thoughts, words and deeds.

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