September 22, 2018

Autumn equinox

Our birch tree going golden.
The autumn equinox occurrs tonight at 6:54 p.m. in the Pacific Northwest. Summer is over and darkness will again catch up to the light.

Canadian geese are on the move south, the leaves are turning and beginning to drop, and night temperatures are cooler. Everything in nature is paring down, and moving energy to the roots and into the earth.

This is the second balancing point in the year, when we might gently shift our attention from the physical side of life to the spiritual and mental, to indoor projects and thoughtful pursuits. As the nights lengthen, we have more dark time available, to be alone and to think; to become clear about our intentions; to nurture inner seeds that may not sprout until spring.

Mark the Start of Autumn:
1. Journal queries
2. Fall possibilities list
3. Fall cleaning and decorating
4. Make a straw doll

Lotus- acrylic and collage on board, 2017
1. Journal queries:
Center, and consider the balance in my life.

How can I balance my personal needs with my commitments to the outside world?
How well do I balance my physical, mental, and spiritual needs?

Think also of the balance in the world; meditate upon what this half of the year will bring, dark and light, and how best I can take right action in the world.

2. Fall possibilities list:
I give myself permission now to try something absolutely new- start a new study of an unfamiliar subject, practice a new way to paint, focus on a new inner challenge, or experiment with new ways of organizing my days. Today I will make a list of wild possibilities:

  1. Start a sign and banner business
  2. Have an open house gallery sale
  3. Make a totem pole
  4. Travel to Mexico

3. Fall cleaning and decorating:
Fall cleaning has an entirely different feel and focus than spring cleaning. In the fall we finish up, pack away, and "batten the hatches"-- we put away all the outdoor stuff, air out the sweaters, and prepare for winter. 

This week I've started in the laundry room and back yard. I managed to:

  • Take eveything off the storage shelves and reorganized them.
  • Clean the back porch and door.
  • Clean up the potting shelves. 
  • Put away the lawn chairs. 
  • Clean and refill feeders for the wild birds who will soon be finding it harder to find food.
After the equinox I begin to deck the house with the oranges and golds of fall, and with the fruits of the season: Gourds, pumpkins, corn, and wheat.

Fall flower symbols: 

  • purple asters for love and patience 
  • sunflowers for truth 
  • zinnias for friendship and resilience 
  • chrysanthemums for strength and endurance
    4. Make a straw doll:
    Last year's straw doll
    Wheat and straw weaving is an ancient art form, done all over the world, as a symbol of the harvest. 

    The custom in Europe was to make a straw figure out of the last sheaf of wheat that was harvested, so the spirit of the grain had a place to live through the winter. Then it was planted again in the spring.

    I usually make a simple figure with a few pieces of straw and scraps of fabric.

    Supplies: Straw, carpet thread, scissors, water, cloth scraps

    1. Collect a handful of straw from fields or from the craft store, and cut to 6-1/2-inches, leaving some of the grain heads longer. 

    Tie them together just below the grain heads with carpet thread.

    2. Soak a couple of shiny pieces of straw in hot water for about 15 minutes, and flatten them out with your fingers. 

    Wrap the flat pieces around the head, and tie at the neck with carpet thread.

    3. Tie a few short pieces together at both ends, trim them, and insert them under the head for the arms.

    Tie them in place, wrapping thread in a X across the chest.

    This year's straw doll will sit on my altar until spring!
    5. Finally, add a few scraps of bright cloth for a vest or skirt.

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