October 24, 2018

Full Squirrel Moon

The squirrels are creating great entertainment these days for my dog Sadie!
Tonight is the full moon called the Squirrel Moon, because now the squirrels are busily gathering nuts for the winter. 

Agenda for today:
1. Update my altar
2. Journal queries
3. Practice at my theme of abundance
4. Blessings Walk

1. Update my altar:
It's time to discern what to put on my altar for the next month. (For my thoughts on altars see About Altars). I generally keep it simple and choose only things that speak to me and feed me, and reveal what I believe in. I ask, what quality of Spirit do I want to invoke? Today I add-
  • a purple candle- for abundance and gratitude
  • dried corn- for the harvest
  • a God's eye- to watch over us
  • my straw doll- for luck and protection
  • an angel- to remind me to be giving and loving
    2. Journal queries:
    The squirrel moon is a good time to gather my forces inward, and contemplate how I will grow this fall.

    Have I been showing my thankfulness for the blessings in my life in tangible ways?
    Have I been “paying it forward” with my time, talent, and money?

    Review the intentions I set 2 weeks ago, at the new moon.
    Do these goals all still seem vital?
    What do I want to create in my life?
    3. Practise at my theme of abundance:
    My theme this month is abundance. When I focus on my blessings instead of my needs, I am able to move away from constantly wanting and worrying about what I don’t have, or seeking comfort, or feeling impatient and self-righteous- and move towards appreciating the richness of the wonders in my life.

    I also find that abundance is more apparent to me when I am generous and giving of my time and resources, and express my thankfulness often.

    My goals this month are:
    • to share my joy and my skills generously with my art students and my community;
    • to volunteer my time to make banners for Our Children's Trust rally and trial
    • to visualize the perfect things in my home, and clear away the imperfect to make room for them.
    4. Blessings Walk:
    In the fall I often start a daily Gratitude Practice, using a journal with daily queries. This year I'm doing something different- I'm practicing a Blessings Walk as I walk my dog each morning:

    1. Gratitude: Begin my walk, and concentrate on everything I’m grateful for. Say, “I’m grateful for the fresh morning air; that I’m healthy, and my family is healthy; for my friends….” Continue this for 1-2 blocks.

    2. Wishes: Turn a corner, and focus on what blessings I hope for now. Create a clear picture in my mind of what I wish to do today, how I want to live, how I want my home to look, what adventures I want to have... Continue this for 1-2 blocks.

    3. Mindfulness: Turn another corner, and pay attention to the moment, to the air, the sky the way my body is moving. Continue this for 1-2 blocks.

    4. Prayer: Turn the last corner, and speak a prayer out loud as I’m moving; feel the power and energy move through me. Say “Spirit of the Universe, I am open and receptive to blessings from expected and unexpected sources. I am a limitless being, accepting from a limitless source, in an infinite way. I am incredibly blessed.”

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