February 14, 2021

St. Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine was a third-century Roman Christian who died on February 14. The poet Geoffrey Chaucer and his circle probably invented many of the romantic legends about Saint Valentine, in the fourteenth century. 

Valentine made by a student of mine.
After that, it became a custom for a man to write a romantic poem to send to his beloved on St. Valentine's Day. Very fancy paper cards, with lace and ribbons, became popular in the 1840's, and that custom expanded into sending cards to Mom and Dad, and friends of all kinds.

Agenda today:
1. Journal
2. Make Valentines
3. Honor my friendships

1. Journal:
In what condition are my friendships?
What do my friends need of me?

List the friends that I want to pay special attention to this month, those I feel distant from or whom I want to understand better and appreciate more.

2. Make Valentines:
I like to make fancy valentines (instructions here), but this year I teamed up with my grandson to make these!

3. Honor my friendships:

I seek ways to honor my bond with those essential people who love and support me, teach me and learn from me, and who help me discover my true self. I want my friendships to deepen and grow stronger. I want to take better care of my friendships with a little intentional nurturing. 

Also, I need to improve my friendship skills: How patient I am, how well I listen and communicate, how I show gratitude and care, how I mend uncomfortable feelings, keep commitments, and make time.

Today I will light a candle and say a prayer of thanks for my friendships, and send them love. Then I will plan one small nurturing thing to do for each friend on my list - make a gift, write a note, offer to help, a walk, or a zoom party.

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