January 16, 2018

New Bitter Moon

This last new moon of the Chinese year is called the Bitter Moon, because we are into the month of the bitterest cold. January is the first full month of winter, a time when everything is shrouded in mystery- the sky is gray, trees hold their buds tightly closed, and hidden seeds germinate secretly in the ground.

1. Journal queries
2. New moon meditation and prayer
3. Plan
4. Cleaning

Blue heron fishing in January
1. Journal queries:
Winter is the perfect time for reflection, introspection, self-examination, and dreaming, and the new moon is when I set intentions. Today I will write down the dreams I have for this next few weeks, and then give my dreams a period of gestation, like seeds in the soil, before I take action.

My focus has been on stillness and study this month. 
What are my dreams of action or education for the coming days?
What are the first steps I might take?
What circumstances affect my effectiveness?
How can I overcome my fear and resistance?

List my intentions for the next weeks in these areas-
Self, Friends and Family, Teaching, Artwork, Writing, Home and Garden, Work/Business, and Volunteer work.

2. New moon meditation and prayer
Today I will light a small white candle on my altar. I will center, and feel myself fill with thankfulness for all I have now in my life.

May I remember the abundant blessings of my life. 
May I remember the air, the sun, the rain. 
May I remember my loving family, friends, and beloved dog.
May I remember that I have a warm house and food, books to read, and a bed to sleep in.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

3. Plan:
As the moon waxes in the next days, I expand-- plant seeds, make connections, and begin new projects. Today I will plan my first small steps.

My new moon intentions:
1. Practice the art of being present in the moment
2. Go to the women's March this Saturday
3. Continue to pare down my possesions and put each thing in its proper place (especially in the studio)
4. Continue my Mantra series of paintings
5. Prepare well for my February art classes

4. Cleaning:
I’ve been doing some deeper cleaning this month, with a focus on mold, and this week I will clean the living room:
  • Dust the furniture and in the corners.
  • Vacuum the sofa and around the sofa.
  • Scrub the mold off the windowsills with detergent and warm water, then used a solution of ¼-cup bleach in 1-quart water. Waited 20 minutes and repeated. Waited another 20 minutes. Applied Borax solution and did not rinse, to help prevent mold from growing again.

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