January 3, 2018

Painting again

I am a painter- it's what I do. I took some time off from serious painting because I was working on Christmas projects. Now I'm ready to start again- I'm hungry, restless, and eager to paint-- but that doesn't mean it's easy to start. Starting is hard!

It's difficult to find my creative energy after a break- much easier to play some solitaire, or even clean the toilet.

1. Journal queries
2. Envision and hold
3. Schedule time and keep it sacred
4. Paint organically

1. Journal queries: 
What is the mystery that I want to express? 
What is the shadowy and bright life inside me that I need to create?
What "big truth" could I shine a light on?

2. Envision and hold: 
My traditional starting point is to choose a working theme to explore, or a title for a series-- this month that is "Mantra Series".

On Sundays, during my hour long Meeting for Worship, I often open myself to a vision of my next painting. What came to me this week was the word "Breath". When I asked "What does breathing look like?", I saw a pattern of ascending and descending angles.

Since then I've been holding that idea in my mental pocket, taking it out periodically to look at, shining it up a bit, and putting it back. My excitement is growing! 

3. Schedule time and keep it sacred: 
I have scheduled an hour and a half each morning for painting, but so far this week I have used that time for other things: Cleaning house, reading, doing a puzzle, and so on. 

Yesterday I started my Mantra series with the first tiny step- so small it didn't hurt at all: I painted a small board blue.

Today I see that blue board sitting on my cart, and I want to start adding some new layers!

4. Paint organically:
To "paint organically" means to let each painting spring from the last, to grow like a branch on a tree. In order to carry that off, I have to paint steadily, 5 - 10 hours every week, without breaks.

That's always how I get my best work, because it gives me a focus and momentum. I get to work deeply, explore many avenues, and get comfortable with the uncertainty and ambiguity of the art-making process.

"Breath" (Mantra series)- in process

I'm going to try to post weekly updates on my process, and how my painting "garden" is growing.

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