March 6, 2019

2019 Lent calendar, Week 0ne

My theme for Lent this year is low-carbon living. I'm working on climate justice this year, so I want to get a better technical understanding of the best practical changes to make in my life.

At Lent I allow myself to be slow, simple, and thoughtful. I spend time each day in focused study and prayer. And I choose something to temporarily reduce or cut out of my life, as a reminder that what I truly need is the nurturing of Spirit. And I also observe Lent as a time of creative action, acting on what I learn. My goals are to:
  • Educate myself: I'm reading the book Cooler Smarter: Practical Steps for Low-Carbon Living, by the Union of Concerned Scientists
  • Meditate and Journal: Ground myself in optimistic hope for the future, and become more open to the best actions to take. 
  • Fast from CarbonI try to choose something to fast from that is a good symbol of how I am trying to grow. This week I will start by turning off the heater in my office, but I might find new ways each week to reduce my carbon footprint. 
  • Take creative actionGo to committee meetings, organize events, make banners and artwork, teach classes, and take some small compassionate actions to make the world better.
    March 6, Ash Wednesday
    1. Begin fasting: Week one- I've tried to think of a simple thing to give up that would make a symbolic difference in my carbon emmissions, but the fact is that improving my energy efficiency will do way more good than curtailling use. The problem is we can't afford to buy solar panels or a new heat pump-- and if we could make one big change, I have no idea which would be the most effective change to make. 
    I've decided to fast this week from heating my office as a reminder that I need to take bigger steps soon.
    2. Climate Coalition meeting: This is my once a month commitment to learn what our city is doing to reduce carbon in the community.

    March 7- 
    3. Study low carbon living: Read Chapters 1-3 from the book Cooler Smarter: Practical Steps for Low-Carbon Living, by the Union of Concerned Scientists- These chapters are about "Thinking About Your Climate Choices". 
      "Global warming is a human-caused problem, and it is within our power to solve. Individual actions can and do make a difference"
      March 8-
      4. Placing Climate and Other Catastrophic Events Within a Larger Story: I'm going to go to this event put on by the description says:
      With each new day, our hearts are broken by the news of suffering caused by catastrophic fires, floods, hurricanes, violence, epidemic corruption, and deaths of friends, animals, and strangers both near and afar. Yet deep in our souls, we know that life’s tragedies can also yield hidden gifts of profound healing, renewal, and thriving. ... How do we stop looking for happiness and start mining the darkness for priceless nuggets of joy and connection with ourselves, with other living beings and with Earth?  How do we make meaning in the morass of madness? 
      “Cata-strophe” literally means a descent that we are being asked to make together.  What do we need to make that journey?
      March 9-
      5. Plan classes: Today I'm going to write up lesson plans for two classes, so I can spread my thoughts on climate action- 
      1. A class for the kids at my Friends Meeting on  the Testimonies of Simplicity and Stewardship
      2. And a class for adults in Craftivism. (Craftivism is voicing your opinions through your creativity- sewing, printing, and painting to make the world a better place.)

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