March 17, 2019

2019 Lent Calendar, Week Three

My theme for Lent this year is low-carbon living. I'm working on climate justice this year, so I want to get a better technical understanding of the best practical changes to make in my life.

At Lent I allow myself to be slow, simple, and thoughtful. I spend time each day in focused study and prayer. And I choose something to temporarily reduce or cut out of my life, as a reminder that what I truly need is the nurturing of Spirit. And I also observe Lent as a time of creative action, acting on what I learn.

March 17, 2nd Sunday of Lent-
1. Journal queries: What have I learned so far from my Lenten fast and study? What is the next step to take?

From my journal: I can't improve my transportation emissions, because I'm already using almost no car travel. What I want to do this year is work to make biking easier and safer in our city. I'm going to start reading the information from the Active Transportation Committee, and also work with a group of others from my community with the same concern.

2. Make a badge for change: It took me about one hour during a meeting to sew this small badge with a safety pin. One of the things I like most about the Craftivism movement is that as I sew I'm not only expressing my hope for social change, but also creating a quiet space for myself to regain a sense of power and purpose.

March 18-
3. Study low carbon-living: Read Chapter 5: Home is Where the Heat Is- from the book Cooler Smarter: Practical Steps for Low-Carbon Living, by the Union of Concerned Scientists
    The second biggest cause of emissions for the average American in the U.S. is home heating and cooling. This is definitely where I need to focus attention- we have a leaky house! We keep our thermostat turned down to about 65ยบ most of the time (and wear layers) but some of our heat is escaping out the windows and floors.

    According to the book, we can reduce our emissions by:
    1. Getting an energy audit or doing a low-tech leak test with a stick of incense.
    2. Weatherizing with caulk, weatherstripping, and spray foam. 
    3. Adding reflective barriers behind our baseboard heaters.
    4. Adding more insulation to the attic.
    5. Replacing our missing storm windows, and fixing the leaky ones.
    6. Saving up to install a heat pump and a tankless water heater. 

    March 19-
    4. Fasting: Week three- I'm continuing to fast from carbon, by not heating my office, as a reminder that I need to take bigger steps soon.

    March 20
    5. Teach a class: Tonight I am teaching a class on the topic of Simplicity and Earth Stewardship, and sharing some of my own thoughts and actions.

    March 21-
    6. Attend a free class on "Home Energy Solutions": We are going to learn how we can improve our home in this "informative, action oriented presentation". Topics include best “bang for your buck” efficiency upgrades, heating and cooling options (heat pumps), solar electric systems, and considerations for new construction or remodels. Local experts and businesses will be available for personalized questions after the presentation.

    March 22- 
    7. Study Permiculture: I'm taking a free online permaculture class from the Permaculture Womens Guild. This week we've covered the basics of what permaculture is. (In case you don't know, it's a set of tools and techniques borrowed from indigenous cultures, applied to create human habitats and renewable resource systems that mimic nature and regenerate, rather than annihilate, the Earth.)

    My assignment is to "geek out on permaculture for 20 minutes every day"; also, start to think about my goals, and talk with my family about what we would like to accomplish in terms of applying permaculture design strategies to our living environment.

    March 23- 
    8. Read Stoic Philosophy

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