April 14, 2019

2019 Lent Calendar, Week 7

My theme for Lent is low-carbon living. I'm working on climate justice this year, so I want to get a better technical understanding of the best practical changes to make in my life.

At Lent I allow myself to be slow, simple, and thoughtful. I spend time each day in focused study and prayer. And I choose something to temporarily reduce or cut out of my life, as a reminder that what I truly need is the nurturing of Spirit. And I also observe Lent as a time of creative action, acting on what I learn.

April 14, Palm Sunday-
1. Journal queries: On Palm Sunday Jesus confronted the Roman domination of Jerusalem. I too am called to speak truth to power and put my faith into action.
Where do I see domination systems today?
What are my intentions for facing them with peaceful actions?

Journal: I have thrown myself fully into the climate justice movement, and that has already required me to speak truth to power, as well as to friends and family. My intentions are to speak with humble and compassionate honesty, from my own experience.

April 15-
2. Fasting: Week six- I'm continuing to fast from carbon by not heating my office, not using my dryer for anything I can possibly dry outside, and not eating beef.

April 16-
3. Resilliency Webinar: I've been studying resilience- how to be resilient in the face of catastorophic climate change, and how to extend hope to others as they face upheavals in their lives. Bob Doppelt, the resiliency expert, says that it helps to have a "Purposing Plan", which is like a mission statement that covers goals for enhancing my own wellbeing, the wellbeing of others, and for the environment. I think having a purpose to focus on helps to control feelings of panic.

My plan is to:
  1. Study low carbon living, write about it, and share what I learn;
  2. Attend the Community Climate Coalition to learn about our city's CAP plan and pass this information on to others, so we can encourage the city to act on it;
  3. Find ways to improve bicycle safety, so that more people will feel safe to bike in our city- this is a big goal, so I'll start by doing lots of research.
April 17-
4. Dye eggs with my family

April 18, Maundy Thursday:
5. Show Love: Maundy is an English word that comes from the Latin mandatum, referring to the new commandment that Jesus made on that night: 
“A new commandment I give to you, that you Love one another. As I have loved you so you must love one another.” (John 13:34).
April 19, Good Friday and Passover:
6. Write about freedom:
Passover is about freedom from slavery, oppression, and confinement, but Judaism defines true freedom as the ability to express who you really are. If something in my heart and soul has not had the opportunity to be expressed, then I am not yet free.

Today I will contemplate and write about what freedom means to me.

April 20, Great Saturday

April 21- Easter

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