April 30, 2019


The Zoroastrian community honors the six seasons of the year by celebrating six Gahambars- the word gahambar means "proper season". Each of these six festivals is celebrated for five days, and each honors one of the six material creations: The heaven, water, earth, flora, fauna and man.

Maidyozarem, the first Gahambar of the Zoroastrian year, means "mid-spring", and it celebrates the creation of the sky, heaven, the stars, and the hot nebulous cloud of the fire of the Universe. It takes place each year from April 30 through May 4th.

Agenda this week:
1. Recite prayers
2. Make Kachumber Salad

1. Recite Prayers:
The first four days of Maidyozarem are devoted to services, and reciting prayers. Zoroastrians turn towards a flame while praying, which symbolizes the fire of creation and the spiritual flame within each of us-- and so I stand before a candle flame to recite the Ashem Vohu (invocation of Asha) from the Avesta (Zoroastrian Book of Common Prayer).

The Ashem Vohu is a prayer with universal appeal. The word Ashem has many meanings: Law, Order, Beauty, Truth, Righteousness, Purity, Freedom. This one word expresses Divine truth, purity of body and mind, and all the beauty of nature. It's a central idea in Zoroastrianism.

This prayer is like a mantra, to be chanted slowly. To hear it recited, go to this link.
ashem vohû vahishtem astî
Truth is the best good. 
ushtâ astî
It is happiness.
ushtâ ahmâi hyat ashâi vahishtâi ashem.
Happiness is to one whose truth (represents) best truth. 
2. Make Kachumber Salad:

  • 1/2 white or red onion
  • 1 large cucumber
  • 1 medium tomato 
  • ½ c. white or red wine vinegar 
  • 1 Tbsp. lemon juice 
  • ¼ tsp. cumin powder 
  • salt (to taste) 
  • pepper (to taste) 
  • cayenne pepper (to taste) 
1. Chop the onion. Peel the cucumber and slice in ¼" pieces. Soak in vinegar in the refrigerator for one hour.

2. Cube the tomato. 

3. Combine lemon juice, cumin powder, salt, pepper, and cayenne in a small bowl.  Add to the marinated onion and cucumber, along with the tomato. Toss the ingredients to mix well. 

4. Serve the salad immediately or refrigerate for awhile to allow the salad to marinate longer.

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