November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving Day

Today is Thanksgiving.
It's not hard to find things to be grateful for this year. I'm so blessed with grown-up children who live in town, with an energetic 1-year-old grandson who brings light to my every day, with a warm home, and a loving community.

1. Thanksgiving Meditation for Peace & Abundance
2. Community zoom worship
3. Finish the food
5. Give thanks

1. Thanksgiving Meditation for Peace & Abundance:
In order to set this day apart, I will treat it as a Sabbath… no unkind words, no rushing, no work that isn’t thankful work. I choose to stay present, notice everything as if in slow motion, and pause often to observe what I am grateful for in the moment.

To start the morning right, I began giving thanks before I got out of bed. I plan to stay in a thanksgiving meditation as long as I can ... Take a deep breath and feel deep gratitude for what I have, for the abundance of having a home, a family and friends. I am thankful for the things I usually take for granted. I am thankful that I AM ALIVE.

I give thanks for my warm bed, for my slippers, my dog, my sleeping family, my clean kitchen, and my morning cup of coffee. I pray that my friends and family stay safe and well, and those without homes find a sanctuary.

I give thanks for the pies on the table, and the abundance of food in the refrigerator. I pray that others find enough food today to feel full and satisfied.

I give thanks for a home of peaceI pray for peace and justice for my brothers and sisters with darker skins and different faiths, and that I will have the strength to stand with them when things get dangerous.

2. Community Zoom Worship:
Every year my Quaker community has a Thanksgiving Day Meeting for Worship, but I don't usually go because I'm busy monitoring the turkey. This year we are meeting by zoom again, so I will be there!

3. Finish the food:
I finished my pies yesterday, and today I'm in charge of the sweet potatoes and the gravy. W will make the brisket and green beans, and others in the family will supply potatoes and stuffing.

4. Give thanks:
Thankfulness is a powerful and transforming emotion. I hope to take time to feel each nuance of the day, to feel gratitude for each person present, and for each dish offered; and give thanks for the food, all the way back to its source and all who handled it on the way to our table.

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