January 10, 2021

Prepare for the new Moon

 The moon today is a waning crescent , which is a time for contemplation, yielding, rest and restoration. 

The January new moon is a few days away, and that's when I set my intentions for the month ahead. Before that time arrives, I'll open to curiosity and attention, and contemplate what I might want in the 30 days ahead

I'll look at the great winter world for inspiration and take it inward, to incubate.
1. Monthly journal brainstorm
2. Evaluate my core values
3. Review my priorities
4. Housework - clean the living room
5. Go on a hike in the rain

1. Monthly journal brainstorm:
Today I will write down my goals, dreams, and exciting ideas for the next 30-days; just write lists of ideas without judgement - put down everything I think I should do, everything I really want to do, and everything I only dream of doing. Include these broad categories:

            -Self-care and life-style

            -Love, social skills, friends and family

            -Career/work and life path

            -Creativity and self-expression

            -Activism and service

            -Stillness, knowledge, skills and growth

            -Home and garden

            -Seasons and celebration

2. Evaluate my core values:
Before any of us can truly set intentions for action, we need to get a handle on our core values, beliefs, and guiding principles. These are the compass that guide us; that describe who we are and how we want to proceed down our path.

I've got a list of 10 core values that I came up with some time ago: Some are my Quaker testimonies, and some are a deep-rooted part of my personality. I looked at a giant list of values to help me to narrow it down to these 10; you can find many lists like that online. Here's one comprehensive list at SoulSalt.com.

My current list of top 10 values are love, integrity, creativity, simplicity, equanimity, equality, environmental justice, service, sense of purpose, and life-long learning. These are the values that best define me right now.

Values do change, though, as we age and as the world changes, so I like to evaluate my core values once or twice a yearToday I'm going to start by answering these queries: 
-What peak experiences have I had in my life recently, and what values were I honoring with them?
-What ills of the world am I most led to heal, and what values support that service?
-Which values best describe and support my inner being, at this time? 
-In what ways do my core values serve me, and guide me, on a daily basis? 
-Do I feel a lack of guidance in any area of my life, and what principle might give me support?  
3. Review my priorities:
I have lots of things in lots of categories that I do every day, but which of those are priorities now in my life? I only have so much time each day, so I hope to give priority to the activities and people that matter most to me right now. 

My core values are the compass that guides me, but choosing priorities gives my days better focus, and helps me to decide how to spend my time. My priorities are more fluid than my values; they change with the seasons and with my responsibilities. I like to review them monthly, before the new moon. Today ask myself:
-What seasonal focus and upcoming events are priorities now?
-What are my important responsibilities this month?
-What upcoming activities give me the biggest rewards?
-What would I do this month if I knew I only had 6 months to live?
-What activities best support my beliefs and values?
-Where do my strengths lie?


After some thought, I'm ready to keep my current slate of priorities. I have streamlined them into a few categories (I have that kind of orderly mind):
  • Purpose is my career tasks.
  • Creativity is my writing, arts, and crafts.
  • Health is exercise, eating right, etc.
  • Heart is friends, family, and volunteer service.
  • Learning is all the topics I'm studying.
  • Home is all the tasks I do to create sanctuary in my home.
4. Housework - clean the living room:
Every year on Distaff Day I kick off a month of deep cleaning. My house has certain mold-related issues that are best done before we get any deeper into winter.  Also, winter is a good time for a few big indoor cleaning jobs. I take it one room at a time, and this week I'll clean in the living room.
  • Sunday: Clean the front porch and fill all the bird feeders.
  • Monday: Dust the furniture and in the corners.
  • Tuesday: Baby-proof the cords, the modem, and the sharp edges.
  • Wednesday: Clean the woodwork around doors and baseboards.
  • Thursday: Scrub the mold off the windowsills with detergent and warm water, then use a solution of ¼-cup bleach in 1-quart water. Wait 20 minutes and repeat. Wait another 20 minutes. Apply Borax solution and do not rinse, to help prevent mold from growing again.
  • Friday: Sweep the floors and vacuum the sofa and around the sofa.
  • Saturday- House blessing.
5. Go on a hike:
One of my New Year's resolutions is to move more, and I've been longing to get out of town to see some woods. Today (for a birthday treat) my family is going to hike with me!

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