June 13, 2024

First Quarter Moon of June

Tonight is the First Quarter Moon; we are one-quarter of the way through the moon cycle. The moon is waxing - growing in light and energy, creating a time for decisive action. I use this June quarter moon's energy to help me find a balance of doing and being; I am embracing the paradox of the expansive, free, effortless ease, and rich, complex, and vital profusion that is summer.

Agenda Today:
1. Journal queries
2. Make a full effort plan
3. Read the Creativity Book
4. Gather some objects

1. Journal queries:
Today, at the first quarter moon, I prepare to give full effort to my priorities. I remember that for each opportunity in life there is a challenge. The challenge to inner peace is obsession. If I’m anxious, driven, or fixated, I can’t be calm or secure. Practice grounding and equanimity. 
What potential challenges, restrictions, limitations, and obstacles do I face this week and monthHow can I best meet these challenges?
How can maintain ease as I also invite abundance?
What do I need in order to stay in balance with social and alone time; thinking and doing; and in harmony with the earth?

From my journal: This week, as I prepare for a trip that will include days full of social time and also days of peaceful bliss, I am particularly interested in a practice to help ground me, and focus my daily priorities. The equanimity I am seeking includes calm interactions with family, and also rich, thoughtful inner dialogue about my art, my community, the world, and nature.

2. Make a full effort plan: 
I'm thinking today about full effort as an artist. I still identify as an artist, so I want to act like one.

Full effort requires attention; you remember your intentions - what it is you want to do and your deepest reasons why - and also notice your emotions, energy, challenges, etc.

My intention is to be proactive, and take time each week to really plan and prepare to make art and also practice being an artist: Maintain the daily eyes-open attitude of an artist, take notes and draw sketches, collect materials for my collages, work on art a little every day - my collages, sewing, house projects, with my grandson, and with my community.

My plan / schedule:

    1. Saturday: Research and plan for a week of art moments - in the studio, and with my grandsons, etc. Start an art notebook to carry and write about themes, projects, skills, and opportunities for this week.
    2. Sunday: Gather all the supplies for the week of art moments in one place - ready to go - because it's satisfying to catch the moment when it comes, and be able to hold attention and interest.
    3. Monday - Wednesday: Celebrate art moments with my grandsons, with chalk, paint, clay, sewing, etc; also, let them witness me being an artist because this is my vocation.
    4. Thursday - SundayMaintain the daily eyes-open attitude of an artist, take notes and draw sketches, collect materials for my collages, work on art a little every day - mandala painting, my collages, craftivism, finishing house projects.
    3. Read the Creativity Book:
    A few years ago I started but didn't finish this book by Eric Maisel (one of my favorite writers). The subtitle is "A Year's Worth of Inspiration and Guidance." Who doesn't want that? 

    I'm on Week 14: Have Feathers Ready. "Owning the tools of your trade does not guarantee that you'll create; and if those tools sit around unused for too long. they only become a reproach." 

    But next he talks about "resonant objects": A postcard, a child's painting, a small sculpture, or a special rock. "With some feathers handy, you have a talisman of every bird that ever took flight. ... Sometimes these supportive objects have some direct use, but just as often their job is to stir us and join us on our journey of exploration."

    4. Gather some objects:
    The exercise attached to this chapter is to gather some relevant and resonant objects - something that will support the work I'm doing - and display them where I can touch and see them every day.

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